How have you secured your HKS bov?


Had abit of a scare last night when the pipe came off the dump valve, what have you lot done to secure the hks ssqv bov to something? or should it be ok if the pipe is connected tightly? ....i was lucky it was late and the roads were quiet as the car felt like it was loosing power and wasnt reving over 2k...:oops:
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Active Member
The GTiR kit comes with a bracket that secures it to the TMIC. Without the bracket and/or the TMIC, you'll have to be creative !

A lot of people weld them to the I/C cold pipe !



I am using an Evo 6 install kit it is a lot shorter than the gtir one and i used a short as possible connection hose (to inlet) so mine is only connected via the two pipe clamps and has never moved!


New Member
Mine is on welded onto the intcooler pipe using the HKS boss. I'll try and find a picture of it.


New Member
My intercooler pipes are off being repolised atm but this is the adapter:

Here is an old picture of my engine bay.

Found a pictutre of Fazz's engine bay which show's it off better.
Why does t have to be bolted onto something then? Mine is just on the orginal bit of piping and just hanging there, hasnt been any problems yet? :?