how do you know....



im not a mechanically minded person,how do you know the difference between there somthing being wrong with the drive shaft,steering rack and diiff.basically what i want to know is what would be the difference without actually looking under the car which one has the fault? and does any1 know how much either of these three things sell for new or second hand?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do you have something wrong with your car?
Driveshaft might cause vibration/loss of drive (if sheared).
Steering rack dodgy steering.
Diff loss of drive/noise/drive train jammed.

(Just quick examples)


yeh,it makes a constant clund from the drivers side but the vibrations can be felt from the passenger side. it may go quiet for a minute and then the next minute its like the cars hitting a brick thats underneath it.cant feel anythin in the steering wheel and it drives ok and performance is ok but that noise just gets too load sometimes hence y it is not being driven at the moment.


New Member
i thinik my rack is on its way out the MOT guy said "wtf is htat type of rack?" he had never seen one in that design b4....its got alittle bit of play on it but im assumin this is slightly normal for the R?

tracking is ok, drives fine no noise and goes in a straight line



on mine it drives fine but it knocks quietly for abit and when it feels like it all hell brakes loose and it goes so load,the only wat i can explain it is,its as if there are bricks under the car and i have just drove over them.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Jack the car up at the front and have a look around for anything.

Check the wheels for play, in the horizontal(track rod ends/steering rack) vertical (bottom ball joint) both (wheel bearings, loose nuts or everything before)

Check the suspension (dampers/springs/antiroll bar/linkages) as far as you can for play or broken bits.

Check the driveshafts for any signs of wear/split boots (especially if they have run dry for a while)

When you say hitting a brick, but you can't feel anything, what are you feeling to make you think that?

I'd hazard a stab in the dark at a knackered damper.


i cant feel it but its like a brick scrabing underneath it,like somthings loose.thanx for your help fast guy.


drove it today and the noise was still there but it didnt sound as bad now.gona take it to get ckecked out when i have time.