Horny gargling

:D Hi, does anybody know what the standard horn gubbins looks like under the bonnet, behind the P badge grill and in front of the rad?!

:shock: :?: My horn has started making a sort of gargly sound!?! (no, it doesn't sound cool).

There is also only one of those round red and black horn thingys, should there be two? There's a spare couple of connections knocking about in there too. What does this madness mean!!! sorry no pics, any help on this most random of topics would be greatly appreciated.

wish i had a more intresting question about the T28 or summat! :oops:



Active Member
Standard there are 2 horns behind the 'P' grille.

They are just the usual Jaffa cake shaped jobs. Most horns like this have a little screw on the back to adjust the tone with... dunno if yours is the same. You could always pick up any standard 12V horn from a scrappers for a couple if quid otherwise.

GeeTee 8)

:D Thanks, it's not a silver jaffa cake, it's red and black with a square hooter coming out of the bottom. So you don't know what the spare connection is for then? As you say, standard ones have two jaffas, that still leaves one spare :?: