HKS SSQV a problem fixed



I've noticed my BOV makes a funny noise compared to others... my roomate thinks it's screwed... basically when you let off the throttle it churps constantly until the pressure drops of.... kind of like a "fluttering" noise. My roomate says you should hear one loud chirp followed by a "whoosh" of air... I turned the screw on the outside of it all the way out until it fell off... then put it back in... about 1 full turn.... still no difference in the sound it made... I'm just worried the compressor might be goin into surge cause I recently blew the stock turbo.... now I have a GT28R on there and I don't wanna have to replace the new Dual BB one cause my stupid BOV isn't working propperly... anyone have one of these BOV's and know what it sounds like..... I'm running a Blitz SBC DC boost controller and it's at 1 bar.

Help me!


New Member
is it the newest one or the older more common type(up to 2007), your turbo should be fine with compressor surge as it has ball bearing internals with make them alot stronger alot of people here dont even use dump valves, i have the older type and on light boost it flutters and full boost gives a psst noise did it make the same noise before you blew your turbo?


Active Member
The sound would be normal on lighter boost openings. Basically, the amount of charge the BOV is seeing, isn't enough to open the large valve fully so, it pulses between open and close, creating the 'fluttering' sound.
At 1 bar, it should open fully and give the psst sound. Do you have access to another car you could try it on ?

I wonder if one of the valves has seized and so, won't fully open ?!
You should be able to dismantle it and see !


New Member
Also make sure your vac hose is connected correctly, I used the vac hose that came with my SSQV and it's quite thick and kinks easily if you bend it round corners, this happened on mine and sounded the same as you describe until I sorted it out, then it was fine.


can you do me a huge favour? take a picture of the BOV and show me where you've located it? I want to get a SSQV but need to know where to mount it first.



I'll try and take a picture of it today.... my roomate wants to sell me his brand new HKS SSQV and install it tonight.... but I'm not sure I need it... he also has two other knock off ones, he has an SW20 MR2 but it's in the body shop so I can't swap mine onto his car... I thought it was odd that it didn't release with one "swoosh" at 1bar boost, but the stock turbo before was blowing oil through the TMIC and into the cylinders, it may have been pushed into the blow off valve as well... before the turbo gave out the blow off valve wasn't making any noise at all hardly even after releasing the throttle on a 1bar pull.


Ok solved the problem.... the SSQV was turned so the vacum line was pointing right into the intake tube and it got pinched, and cracked it... I cut some of the vacum line off re-attactched it works like a dream now..... In fact it's almost embarrassingly loud! I'll still take a picture of it though...

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
neomccollum said:
Ok solved the problem.... the SSQV was turned so the vacum line was pointing right into the intake tube and it got pinched, and cracked it... I cut some of the vacum line off re-attactched it works like a dream now..... In fact it's almost embarrassingly loud! I'll still take a picture of it though...
i was just about to type about the twisted pipe:lol: glad you fixed it;-) do me a favour and change your thread title adding 'fixed' it helps others to see you had a solution when they search for their own problems... id do it for you but thats plain rude lol
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New Member
neomccollum said:
Ok solved the problem.... the SSQV was turned so the vacum line was pointing right into the intake tube and it got pinched, and cracked it... I cut some of the vacum line off re-attactched it works like a dream now
I thank you.


Jeddeh said:
can you do me a huge favour? take a picture of the BOV and show me where you've located it? I want to get a SSQV but need to know where to mount it first.


Tada hows that mine is installed using a EVO 6 flange which is slightly smaller in length than the Gti-R spacific one I have in the shed also trimmed the connecting hose down to make the valve sit as close to the Plenium as possible.

With the purple insert its churps along nice not "In your face look at me" :lol:


Active Member
jpward said:

Tada hows that mine is installed using a EVO 6 flange which is slightly smaller in length than the Gti-R spacific one I have in the shed also trimmed the connecting hose down to make the valve sit as close to the Plenium as possible.

With the purple insert its churps along nice not "In your face look at me" :lol:
I agree about the purple insert, I also prefer the nicer two stage noise !


New Member
The gold one sounds like a classic bailey dv allegedly, never tried one on mine as I like the chirp of the purple one. I just bought a short samco pipe with a 45deg bend and mounted mine using that.


youngsyp said:
Exactly the same as the OE HKS one but, gold ! ;-)
:? OE HKS one???

I have a HKS recirc one i took off a replacement engine and also my original recirc one but they are different are they not?


Active Member
jpward said:
:? OE HKS one???

I have a HKS recirc one i took off a replacement engine and also my original recirc one but they are different are they not?
When I say "OE HKS", I mean exactly the same as the insert that comes with the HKS SSQV, when you buy it new.
The only difference with the gold one is the colour. It sounds exactly the same as, it's exactly the same shape ! ;-)


youngsyp said:
When I say "OE HKS", I mean exactly the same as the insert that comes with the HKS SSQV, when you buy it new.
The only difference with the gold one is the colour. It sounds exactly the same as, it's exactly the same shape ! ;-)
Robbing gits :roll:

Was going to buy one just to try it dont think i will bother now :lol:


GTIR-LOZ said:
i have one on order will let you know what it sounds like i am told that it is different though:roll:
Record a vid and post it on you tube ;-)