Hks filter replacement


just realised I haven't replaced the filter in 5 years if owning it :shock:

looking on various sites to get a replacement one but got confused with thd two sizes available, 200 or 150 mm

when measuring my filter, inside diameter is spot on 150mm but overall diameter is nearly 200mm more like 190mm, is it the inside measurement you use?

It's the hks super power flow model..




Staff member
It's not supposed to be cleaned and re-oiled is it? I know they have a bad reputation for falling apart, but I thought they'd last longer than 5 years.
It's not supposed to be cleaned and re-oiled is it? I know they have a bad reputation for falling apart, but I thought they'd last longer than 5 years.
mine is breaking down, crumbles when rubbing your fingers on it... bugger!

Had a look on the back, and it has a small silver sticker 200 - Ø 80

So take it its a 200mm one.#

It was on the car when I had it imported 5 years ago, so could be 10 years, dont really know, looks knackered though...
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geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I always thought you should change them on the mileage as i never thought they where designed for high mileage just another service item like a normal car air filter .


Active Member
they are total shite, get a proper filter and throw that crap out! (or sell to to another numpty)