HKS Dump Valve fitting


New Member
My friend has got a HKS dump valve, seems to be old-ish. Only thing is it has places to plug in a vacum pipe. :? Anyone know whats going on here?
Here is a photo too :)



I've got the same d/v and I too would like to know what the deal is with the 2 vacuum pipe connections. Do the two pipes just 'T' into the same vacuum feed? Plus, when I did fit it in the way I just queried, it sounded like it was leaking at full boost, is it knackered or can this be rectified?


it looks like it has just been bridged into a vaccum line in the past, try taking out the T piece and running it off the original valves vaccum hose, jeff.


Active Member
Fire & skill said:
you will need better pics mate - cant make it out at all sorry :cry:
Are the two vacumn connections in the same place or, does it look like they could be on either side of the diaphragm/piston ?

As said, I think better pictures are needed to see where they are !



Matt Evans

The 2 vacuum connections are on the far end of the dump valve (Not the trumpet end). One comes straight out of the end of the dump valve, and the other comes out of the side. The only thing I can take a picture of the dump valve with is my mobile, but I won't be able to post the pic as I can't connect my phone to my PC. :?

Fire & skill

Vintage member
not sure about the one on the side but pretty sure the one on the top is gonna operate the spring and obviously you know where the big pipe goes. better pics will confirm everything :wink:


New Member
ah well, he was going to give me the valve. Maybe not bother now. I'll get myself a ssqv one day. I've always wanted one but just always spend my money on something else. :)

Matt Evans

So is there any way of stopping it leaking, or is it screwed? It only seems to leak when full boost is reached (1 bar). A 350Z thought he had me off a round about, but he soon learned the hard way when my boost picked up a bit. He was lucky I had a boost leak or he would've got blitzed :!: Nice car though.