hiya guys am new



just thought a would say hi,
I am a big fan of the gtiR and hope to buy one nearer the end of the year, am only 18 the now so saddly cant afford to insure 1 jus now but checked a few places a can get insurace when am 19 so woohoo 8).
anyways am currently driving a starlet gt turbo the now, its okay but performance wise its a bit crap higer up the range due to it been a wee baby 1.3 lol.

well hope a will learn sum kl stuff about gtir from the site

bye bye;-)

seasider R

New Member
Welcome aboard Jonny. I`m new to this site too. Great site,eh? Would`nt like to have to pay the insurance for an R if i was only 19!!! Must be almost as much as the car! Anyway happy motoring n hope ya get ya car soon. Phil


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
:welcome: :wave: yet another member from north of the boarder;-)
Yeap another one to add to the tally, that make it 10 now :lol: :lol:

Hope you manage to get one, the insuranc will be your only problem, I was paying just over £1000 fully comp when i was 21 with 2 years no claims, also I saty out in the country side in Aberdeenshire so it isn't a really big crime rating area but it is still step.



thanks for the welcome, yeah insurance it sucks, when i was 17 i got my gt turbo and that was hard to insure lol , i have been searching for a long time now on the best way to insure cars and for the pulsar i found it was adrian flux, there underwriters emailed me once i stuck in my details to say that i will be payin £1480 tpft me 1st named and my mum 2nd so its okay a guess, right now im only £1000 on my own name with elephant , thats for my gt,

thanks for the warm welcome will get sum pics of my gt up soon.


am not young but i still now £1000 4 insurance its still bl**dy cheap oh and :welcome: to the GTIROC :-D :-D