high rpm misssfire help please


New Member
the R has suddenly developed some sort of missfire at 5.5k
splutters pops n looses power

any help/comments would be greatly appreciated


First thing you need to do is check the ignition side of things. At 5k plus that is where the ign is under most stress. Check condition of plugs for fouling etc and pull the dizzy cap off and check for worn rotor arm/dizzy contacts then maybe try a new set of leads or any white marks on them where you can see they are arking.

red reading

Active Member
set the plug gaps to 0.65-0.7mm and fit a new dizzy cap and rotor arm from nissan---not ebay cheap shite, make sure the car is running fresh fuel and standard nissan plug and coil leads too.

try this then lets us know, o and fit Ngk BCR8es plugs too, not denso iridiums or similar.


Well-Known Member
First thing to do before you go spending money and changing things is a fault code test. Adding to what everyone else has said the fuel filter is worth changing if its been on the car for a while as a clogged filter can cause the problem you've described.


started getting the same problem Pulled the plugs out the gaps were maybe .9 regapped to .8 checked the rotor and cap the 2 posts had some rubbish on there havent road tested yet and picking up New ngk 8s tommorow
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