High Revs!


New Member
:D Hi guy's,yet another problem :!: :cry: Just got the car back after having a few mods done to the intercooler,got half way home,went to change from third to second and the engine revved up as though i had caught my foot on the accelerator(but had'nt)and stayed at 1900 rpm.So i pulled over as soon as i could,had a look under the bonnet but didnt find anything out of place.Re-started the engine and it was at 1200 rpm,pulled off and it jumped back up to 1900 rpm again :? .So drove it home nice an easy,had another look but still can't see anything.So i did a code check,nothing :? :?: Now its ticking over at 1100 rpm.Any ideas :?:


Hi Dude im no machanic at all but if intercooler has been off sure there is nothing catchin the trottle cable so it cannont return right back ???

Had it on mine :oops: :oops:


Fast Guy

Staff member
What mod did you have done? Is it a top mount, as the throttle cable bolts to this I think, maybe it got snagged??


New Member
:D No mate it's a frontmount,had the angle of the pipes altered so its no where near the cables.The way it started is as though it was electronic as it was at idle when i was changing gear(in traffic)and it just went to 1900 rpm and stayed there :? :!:


New Member
:D Hi guy's,think i've found it,let it cool for an hour,went back to it an pressed the throttle and it's sticking,think its just a dry cable :!: :D :D
Thanks for your help.