

New Member
Hello everybody,

i currently own a Starlet Turbo (mini Pulsar!!! :D)

just toying with the idea of getting a gtir, I know Ant and Andy chan from octane junkies so may know some of you guys :D


Staff member
Hiya Neal

Ant said earlier that you where asking him about insurance companies etc...who have you tried (that's if you've tried any) ?!

Good luck with it anyway neal :D



Hi, dont just toy with the idea get one :!: :!:

Sodding awesome cars,Love 'em :!: :twisted:
Just wish i was on the road again cos i drove her the other day and god i miss her :oops: :cry: :cry:


New Member
Mr GTiR said:
Neal, what happened to the Scooby :?:
Who wants one of them :p :lol:

hello there Neal, not a terrible quote you got, im sure you will be able to find other ins companies that will insure you for maybe a similar cost but fully comp instead, as i said yesterday, try and get fully comp with protected ncd, its worth it in the end, at least you are covered then for the worst :wink: :D

Who else have you tried??



New Member
Iv tried a few different companies now including..

Norwich union online(they wanted me to call them)

Admiral(was about high 1300's TPFT!!!!)

Elephant(same as admiral)

Keith Michaels(hopefully these can help me properly when my other policy is due up with them and get close to 1k or under!!)

Im off work tomorrow so will have a good call round companys.

The scooby idea got binned when i realised i couldnt attempt to insure one of the things and looking around at them alot of them are worn out and ragged, the gtir seems more a gentlemans car which doesnt get nailed everywhere(I HOPE!!)

Bex, you wish i was stalking you..


Active Member
neal said:
the gtir seems more a gentlemans car which doesnt get nailed everywhere(I HOPE!!)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ahhahaaaaahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, couldn't help it ;)



New Member
paz said:
neal said:
the gtir seems more a gentlemans car which doesnt get nailed everywhere(I HOPE!!)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ahhahaaaaahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, couldn't help it ;)

Well i wont be nailing it everywhere with them type of petrol bills!!!


Active Member
:lol: You should still expect a large petrol bill, nailed or not ;)

You'll love it :lol:



New Member
I used to have a 2.0 ibiza but i suppose its not going to be anywhere near as bad as the R on petrol,

best TPFT quote iv got at the minute is from A Flux and thats 1200 a year, costing me 338 deposit and then 125 a month, I can get a Glanza for fully comp costing me 60 quid a month to insure :S


New Member
Think im going to have to resign myself to getting a Glanza or a Civic VTI at the minute i cant get a good enough insurance quote on the R.

60 quid a month on a vti instead of 120 on a R is alot of difference :(