hi-teq no plates



should be 13x7 front and rear but it all depends on what you want really the backs normaly 13x7 and the front as small as you want to go 8) 8) 8) :lol: thats what i did :thumbsup:


Staff member
Pete, don't tell him that !

There are legal plate and letter sizes you have to abide by, you can't just make it as small as you like you numpty :der: .

Click Here

Read the regulation at the bottom of the page " Size and spacing of characters: special cases" (regulation 14A) all the info is there. Just bear in mind that this regulation was written in 2002, so if your plate was made before that ;-) then you could even leave out the bit about the "the name and postcode of the person by whom the plate was supplied"



at the end off the day steve its his car his decision ive not told him to get a small front plate done just told him thats what i had on mine thats all so whats the problem with that ??:roll: :shock: :shock: :roll: :cry:


Selling Up..
ive already got the plates on my car from hiteq and its passed mots 3 times stoped by the police once and had no probs, just wanted the sizeing for making my new plates up as dont have my car at home the now and was wanting sizes for the folk who are doing my new ones thats all.