Hi rev problem!!



Now this has happened twice now.

First time i was in my bedroom and heard someone reving the nuts off a car. Ran down stairs to find my little wanker brother in the passenger seat.

The second time was on my way home from boxing tonight. Being the pro driver that i am a experienced a rather bad gear change from second to third. Changed up wacked my foot down only to realise that it wasn't in gear. Both times positive boost has registered as the dump valve has gone off. After this has occured, the car looses all power and strugles to even move untill the turbo kicks in. When idling, the revs drop to 500rpm and it chucks out a load of black shit out the goose.

Easy remidy, swith it off for about 30 seconds then back on again and hey presto, back to normal. Just wondered what this was.

Is it a bit like how some deisals work, if you over rev them they seem to limit the revs for a while afterwards. :roll:


sounds like you need to

a) get ur brother out the car

b) learn how to change gear :lol:

but seriously it sounds like it could be safe mode, do a search you'll find heaps on info :wink:


More like;

a) smash the shit out of my brother

b) Stop fighting people 10 times bigger than me who smash the shit out of me, then maybe i would be able to remember how to drive on the way home. :?

I will do a search.