

New Member
not driven my R in few days until today.. last time i drove it all was fine..
so here is what builds up boost but before it hits peak boost it loses power jerks then car pops a few times
lightly pops not loud like air sound but sound comes from exhaust centre... hard to describe sorry not clear..

what should i check for???? i have an fuel pump on it ..

my guess was leak then excess fuel popin off??


Staff member
I'd be checking the state of your plugs; have they got precious metal tips? - Those foul really easily and could cause a misfire when the boost builds.

EDIT: Great minds Stu.


Staff member
Fools seldome differ George :lol: ;)
True. :doh:

It just sounds a lot like the problem I had last time my car was on the rolling road; power builds, spark dies, power drops... then builds again... and hits the redline. When I looked the gaps were all at something like 0.5mm.


New Member
ok heres an update took my tmic off(for the first time) found it weird, one the pipes goes through the mounting akward...anywayy.
i checked in the wells 2 was dry 2 had a slight rusty colour and line of damp around the top, the leads looked fine.. noww when removing the plugs they was totally black and two had thin oil around the thread preety soaked in all and rusty on top..

whats the next move?? are plugs the culpruit? new ones needed which??


Active Member
If you have oil around the plugs you need to change the o ring gaskets inside the rockercover!
This could be the reason of your problem. Also it would be best to change the plugs and leads for new ones while your there.
You can get some decent plugs for about £8 for the set off ebay.
Standard nissan leads are the best you can get.


Active Member
Yeah, swap them over for known good ones :lol:

No mate there's no way of checking the leads as they might be ok at low revs but start breaking down at higher revs.
Plugs may look ok but if they've been soaked in oil my guess is they arnt sparking strong anymore.


Active Member
That's for checking compression on the piston rings mate.
If there's oil around the plugs its deffinatly those o rings in the rocker cover!


New Member
ok stu thanks for your replies pal.. i mean how do i go about changing this is their any guides floating about? is it straight fwd?
also am sure its thin oil not fuel bcuz i gave it a sniff fuel wouldnt lose its scent there right?...would you recommend putting new plugs in and driving or is this majorly wrong...


New Member
really easy- Take off rocker cover, replace seal (or if your lucky- just clean the old one up), clean mating faces for all 6 seals (4x spark plug holes, 1x rocker cover outside seal and 1x for the stud in the middle I think) then fit rocker cover. done


Active Member
The rubber o rings are easy to change, remover the rocker cover and rurn it over, take old ones out put new ones in. Simle as that mate.
Yeah change the plugs for now and it should be ok.
Atleast that will tell you if it was knackerd plugs ;)