
Right before we start and i get a load of abuse lets get one thing straight here;

a) I have already done a search to try and source the info required before making this thread


b) Possibly this should be in the how to section, but as i dont know how to i thought this was better suited.

Do any of you have a novice guide to how to fit an apexi avcr boost controler. All i have are japaneese picture things. Can i do it myself or would you recomend getting someone to do it for me?


If your OK with a soldering iron and carefull when splicing into the ECU wiring loom its simple enough :) Just take ya time and double check everything along the way. The best way i found was to do all the splicing first along with mounting the unit before you get round to actually plumbing in the new solanoid. That way you can atleast make sure its monitoring OK and should you run out of time one day you can still use ya car :D.

Also, Before you actually mount the display unit make sure you have checked that the loom is long enough to reach where ever you will be mounting the pressure sensor and solanoid.!! All obvious stuff i know but still worth rememberin :)

Good luck.



Active Member
u can print english instructions off the web which will mae it easier and they should have pin outs for gtir


New Member
wiring it in aint the hard part its getting it to work properly, day in day out that'll do your head in :(


Gentlemen what would i do without such pillars of knowledge such as your good selves.

Have had a loook at the wiring instructions and all of that seems within my capabilities (I think). A few questions though;

1) Why is the unit earthed twice on the same wire?

2) When splicing into wires before, i have used the old splicing clips from halfords. The bits i have done before are for lights etc which are not a high risk if they fudge up. This however is a slightly differant kettle of fish. So are they OK or is another method required?

3) where does one sugest locating the controle unit? I have seen a load of peeps with them on their dash. Looks like the sensible place to put it but possibly a bit bling bling for potential theiving b@st@rds?

4) what is the best way to feed wires through to the engine bay from the above recomended location?

5) where is the ECU located? :oops:

Thanks again in advance.


pay some 1 a few notes to do it for ya mate-job done :roll:


That was the original plan, but i have 2 issues with that;

1) Limited cash so i thought install it myself and then spend the cash i would have paid someone to whack it on a rolling road and get it all set up properly.

2) I have limited knowledge of mechanics and prefer to learn about the things that interest me. Obviously i keep well away from things that are beyond my capabilities, but this seems relatively straight forward. If it is not, then someone please tell me so that i dont dewtroy my motor!


valid reasons mate, although i doubt some1 would charge that much to put this in for ya?!

best of luck :wink:


No i spose not. Was quoted £150 +VAT to install and set up. Its more the doing it myself and knowing what goes where than the saving money. As you said probably only charge 50 notes to fit it.

Is it a job better suited to a specialist or if i take my time with it will i be oK?


Staff member
I've never fitted one but I'm an Electrical/Electronics Engineer and there are plenty of opportunities with electronics to blow things up by accident.

If you're careful and cross reference/triple check every wire you connect then as long as your soldering or crimping (clips) skills are good enough it would be fairly straight forward. Crimps will work, soldering is neater and a better connection but more skilled.

Connect the wires the wrong way round though or get a short between two joints and you could instantly kill a small piece of electronics that makes the whole device useless. It depends many safeguards the engineers who built the electronics have put in to protect against mistakes. Some devices won't work, some go pop.

From what you're saying I would read the manual, give it to someone else and then look at their work to improve your understanding. It might be less stressful in the long run.

BTW, the ECU is left of the pedals and behind the ashtray, Its a square metal box with a big blue connector going into it and about 50 wires.



well after that, i'd just pay some1 to do it, and watch when they do it running through everything with you. :wink:


Phoned the geezer up today nad he wants £120 plus vat just to install it!


What is the short lonely wire for?

Plumbing instructions?


You should buy a 12v soldering kit (about £15) from Halfords than connects to your cars battery and practice soldering. Its easy once you have done it a few times. Just use old wire to practice on. Soldering is a far more secure way of connecting wires as when anyone kicks the wires or they get caught on anything when using the little connecters they can easily come loose.

I put my AVC-R right at the top of the window infront of my eyes (just above line of sight for the road) using the stand that comes with it upside down and it ment i could keep a close eye on it easy enough. Advantage is when anyone looks into the car they cant see it unless they are bent right down and looking up which i certainly dont do when im looking into a car.

If you remove the panel etc to the right of the pedals there is a hole for you to feed the hoses through. You will also need to remove the plastic sill cover that you see when you open the door and also peel back the rubber seal around the door frame. You can get to this outside by jacking the car up and removing the drivers wheels and inner arch liner. This will then allow you to pass it into the engine bay. Make sure all hoses are secured from dropping down on to the tyre and that no hoses get kinked etc.

ECU is behind the ashtray ontop of the transmission tunnel held in by little gold screws.

:D :D :D


DavidGTiR said:
You should buy a 12v soldering kit (about £15) from Halfords than connects to your cars battery and practice soldering. Its easy once you have done it a few times. Just use old wire to practice on. Soldering is a far more secure way of connecting wires as when anyone kicks the wires or they get caught on anything when using the little connecters they can easily come loose.

I put my AVC-R right at the top of the window infront of my eyes (just above line of sight for the road) using the stand that comes with it upside down and it ment i could keep a close eye on it easy enough. Advantage is when anyone looks into the car they cant see it unless they are bent right down and looking up which i certainly dont do when im looking into a car.

If you remove the panel etc to the right of the pedals there is a hole for you to feed the hoses through. You will also need to remove the plastic sill cover that you see when you open the door and also peel back the rubber seal around the door frame. You can get to this outside by jacking the car up and removing the drivers wheels and inner arch liner. This will then allow you to pass it into the engine bay. Make sure all hoses are secured from dropping down on to the tyre and that no hoses get kinked etc.

ECU is behind the ashtray ontop of the transmission tunnel held in by little gold screws.

:D :D :D
So are the clips no good then? I can solder OK, but have found the clips so easy previously and didnt think the connections would be disturbed much behind the ashtray?

Where exactly did you fix the stand to? The windscreen? Or the roof? I am confused?

Any ideas on where the orqnger wire goes that is all alone?


The clips are ok but there are different size/colour ones for different gauge wires. The most commonly sold ones are blue but sometimes they dont make a proper connection on certain smaller gauge wiring. I used to fit stereos with them at my old work because they were handy/fast but on my wiring i always solder just so i know everythings ok.

The stand was turned upside down and stuck to the glass. I was going to make a bracket for the roof but didnt have time.

Page 58 :D


Apologies for the pic but its the best one I had on hand to show the Apexi up in the window.. :? :shock: Def one of the best places for it and it looks cool as fudge up there at night. 8) 8)

All very good advice from David by the way :)



I dont remember being in your car ever?

Looks sweet up there!

Just got me some good old solder. Shall i solder then crimp?

When just the wiring is done, what will the unit do for me when i turn it on by rubbing my silky fingers over the screen!