help! r's broke again


New Member
i think my headgasket has gone,there is oil in no's 2-3and 4 took rocker cover off it dont look like any valves have dropped, any ideas on price and what gasket to fit.


Still waiting on some shims!
Well I'm sure you're talking about taking the engine out and apart for the Head Gasket... A lot of labour involved in changing one... I'd have to say about £500+ just for labour then you'll want an HKS Gasket which is about £200...

Not to good is it...

Check for the white stuff under the oil cap... Dead givaway of the Head Gasket being gone...



New Member
no there is no water in oil or oil in water just oil on top of the pistons mentioned. I was excelerating hard 1st and then 2nd just as i hit 3rd i noticed a loss of power and the engine was running a sack of crap then so i stopped all gauges was ok turned it off then took it to bits on side of road took all plugs out shone a tourch down the spark plug holes thats when i saw the oil. :evil:


Oh dear oh dear.
Hasnt any1 ever told u that these cars are a bit unrealiable?
Mine is 100% reliable two years down the line, here is to another 2 years :D


New Member
i haven't run the car since but it was really strugling to run and there was a funny smell but it wasn't burning oil. there wasn't any blue smoke coming out the exhaust. The oil in no's 2 and 4 is very slight but a little more in no 3.


the gtir is reliable as hell but if u start to tweak it wi needs special care just like any non standard car.


How much boost you running? sounds more like oil on plugs pistons ring lands broken or braking up :cry:


New Member
cheers for reply i was waiting for someone who might know.
i am running 14 psi using a digital boost contoller ( e-boost)
if it is rings how much ruffly do you think it will cost and is it still a head off job or can it be done from bottom.


Have you done a compression check?? If you have low compression atall then its a head off job :x there are a few tests that can be done before the head copme off to determine where the problem might be ie leak down tests, pressurise the cylinders and listen to where air comes out.

if it is rings how much ruffly do you think it will cost and is it still a head off job or can it be done from bottom
If it needs new pistons itll be a head off job, not sure of cost so wont guess :wink: