Help Please


New Member
hi guys,

can anyone help please. My R has started running crap lately just as ive been planning to travel to the anniversary meet this w/e:evil:.
started with a misfire but has now gradually changed to a total power loss (could hapen at any speed), now got worse and the car will only travel 50 yds then cuts out. The smell of the exhaust and the sysptoms feel like its run out of fuel but hasnt. im guessing its the fuel pump thats gone / going. Anyone know where i can pick a pump up from tomorrow as its booked in for an MOT tomorrow as well grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

thanks guys



Staff member
What are your plus like?
What about the distributor cap and rotor?

If they are all OK, I'd take a look at the MAF; is the element clean, does it need to be re-earthed?

I don't know about the pump, sorry. - Might be worth changing the fuel filter and checking the boost hose going to the FPR to make sure it isn't leaking (and therefore not ramping the fuel pressure up).

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
sounds like the pump to me, i can send you a pump tomorrow, for delivery friday if you contact me before 2pm


cheers martyn


New Member
pobody / martyn,

Thanks so much for your suggestions and help:thumbsup:
i think the problem may be sorted. As a last resort, i got my dad to call out the AA, The guy turnes up, started the car and after 1 min the tickover died and after re starting, again died even if he tried to rev. he immediatly said............ fuel starvation that, and whiped out the back seat. after looking through a mass of wires, he said looks like a miltiplug has a bad connection, cleaned and pushed back together.............. bingo!!!!!
the car now ticks over sooooooooo smooth (no hunting or anything. fingers crossed...:-D I took the car for a quick spin and it fealt like it had gained another 80 horses....... praise to the AA :thumbsup: infact, im thinking that many of the running worries i had lately may have been attributable to this............

bring on that scoob that challanged me when i was sick!!!

thanks guys