Help Needed!!!!!!


New Member
Right let me explain my problem i hope someone has some ideas :(

My car now and then does this thing when on full throttle only!
Im in any gear at low rpm and but my foot right down, the car hesitates but does NOT miss fire!, if i build the speed up its fine. Now i have changed the following
coil pack
turbo gaskets
DET Sensor
And i still get this problem, now to fix it i do a ECU code check it comes back 55, so i reset ecu and car is fine for about another week.
Now im running a unichip :lol: (came wiv car :p ) will this have anythink to do with my problem?
When i do a reset set what does it do to ecu apart from clear and fault codes? does it reset the unichip?

I can only guess its the air temp are to hot as i have standard i/c and a induction cone behind battery, would the AFM sensor be faulty?

HELP :cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: :oops:


Active Member
mine does this from time to time... put foot down and it seems to hesitate for a second or so then takes off. As you say - not a misfire.

I was thinking perhaps throttle position sensor???

Fast Guy

Staff member
Possibly poor mapping?

I've seen someone have problems with their unichip before and the car wouldn't start because of it. (In potential answer to your problem thread in general :p )