Help needed grounding MAF...



I've just read from the FAQ how to re-ground the MAF but I don't fully understand :oops: If you solder a wire to the middle pin of the maf (then take this to earth) how do you get the plug back on for the other 2 wires :?: If it means solder wire to the plug side, do you then cut the origional wire going back into loom :?: When I checked the middle wire with the meter (on tickover) the reading was 16.7ma. If I can bring this way down should I see an improvement in running... :?: It's far from 100% at the mo and ecu not responding to fault code check. any help much appreciated :?


You want to join the earth wire to the LOOM side, ie, the wires going to the AFM, not the actual AFM. If you've got any electronics savvie, you can remove the pin from the connector and solder in the new wire, but if you are lazy like me then just bare the wire about an inch back ( so it will still be inside the rubber boot ). Carefully strip the insulation off the original wire to leave about 5 mm of bare wire. Bare the end of the new earth wire and wrap it round the original wire and then solder together. That will give you a really good connection.

Don't forget to wrap some insulation tape around the soldered bit, but it should be quite protected anyway if you make sure it is inside the rubber boot.

Leave the original wire connected, just bare it as above and join the new wire to it.

I'd strongly recommend taking your battery off for this as well, as its very easy to blow it up if you make a mistake and short out another wire somewhere by accident ;)


Cheers for tht mate I now understand :oops: and I sort the grounding. I'm prob being cheeky :) but should I use the same thickness wire as origional or is thicker better for earth. Once again thanks for the help :)


The thicker the better, or the more strands the better, won't matter too much though as it doesn't pass any high current. Use the same thickness or slightly thicker, but don't go mad ! ;) And try and keep it as short as possible, my intake is all moved around but the wire is only about 8 inches long iirc


For a really good guide of how NOT to do it, please contact mikey.

Its guaranteed to make you fill your pants the first time it goes tits up :roll:


What's the advantages of doing this?

I was trying to find the FAQ, but couldn't find it.

I've heard of people doing it in other SR cars cause they get running problems that this seems to fix, but is there any other advantage? ie. better fuel efficiency or something.

I measured the resistance of the ground pin the battery ground and it was 0.2 ohm.


:) Cheers Ross I'll make a top job of this weekend, let you know if it makes a difference. Hudson what did Mikey do :wink: we all make mistakes... :lol: