HELP ! My R is sick !



Hello guys,

I have a bit of a problem with my r.

On a motorway journey I was in 3rd doing about 80mph, when i went to change to 4th, somehow it slipped back into 2nd, i took it out of gear straight away as it didn't really like that too much!

Its now seems to only be running on 2 cylinders and there is a little set of hoses to the left of the intercooler in a three way t-piece, one of which goes to the dump valve, the others which go into the head. The hose that runs to the dump valve seems to have a shock go through it (best way to describe it?) which makes quite a loud noise too. Also its not boosting up, the turbo seems to be completely inactive?? I haven't lost any oil or coolant, but I am very worried cos I was driving it back from just buying it!

In need of some assistance! I don't want this to go wrong !! I already love my r !!

Any help will be a massive help !



New Member
Thats a bit harsh.

try making sure there are no air leaks after the turbo across the intercooler. thats a nice easy thing to try, cause the r can pretend to run on two cylinders coughing and spluttering if there is any air getting in after the air flow meter.

Lots of peeps on here will be able to offer better advice.

You might want to clarfy what you mean by "taken a shock" are the hoses cracked, or blown off?


did you get the clutch up and engaged when you changed into 2nd gear :shock:

if you did then most likely you overrevved it more than a motorbike and done some serious damage :shock: :cry:


Cheers for your help guys, I have changed spark plugs now and still have the same problem. Wondering whether i may have cooked a coil or two!

I have also taken the intercooler off and put it back on again (when changing the plugs) and i checked the boost hoses and there doesn't seem to be any air leek.

In need of some help !! :oops:

Anyone based around the Berkshire area with a good knowledge of R's?

Im in Reading and if there was anyone around who could maybe come have a look that would be much appreciated.


I'm in Reading and have a reasonable mechanical knowledge, I'll be happy to come have a look at it for you. Doesn't sound good though, possible bent valves from what you say.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Goldy said:
Hello guys,

I have a bit of a problem with my r.

On a motorway journey I was in 3rd doing about 80mph, when i went to change to 4th, somehow it slipped back into 2nd, i took it out of gear straight away as it didn't really like that too much!
that will be the problem then dunno what rpm 80mph in 2nd would give you but its gonna be more than the 7500 rpm red line cant remember what the oe 2nd gear does mph wise cos i aint got one sorry cant help any more


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
J-GTi-R said:
I'm in Reading and have a reasonable mechanical knowledge, I'll be happy to come have a look at it for you. Doesn't sound good though, possible bent valves from what you say.
its a bit like going back into work after retirement. what a nice bloke 8)


i would appreciate it so much if someone could u come have a look for me amte, that would be such a big help! :D

I'm off work at the moment because i have had an operation on my knee, so i am at home a lot of the time during the day.

When would the best time for u to come have a look at it ?


sturat said:
J-GTi-R said:
I'm in Reading and have a reasonable mechanical knowledge, I'll be happy to come have a look at it for you. Doesn't sound good though, possible bent valves from what you say.
its a bit like going back into work after retirement. what a nice bloke 8)
Yeah it would be a bit like that, the only problem is I just end up missing mine even more when I see another 'R. Still, 4 years of knowledge shouldn't go to waste...

Goldy, I can do Friday during the day, as I'm off (supposed to be doing DIY on the flat, but this is a good excuse not to for one day at least... :lol: ).

Just PM me with your details and we can sort out a time.


Dont mean to frighten you but my mate did the same in his evo, ended up with a cracked bent crank and span a couple of big end shells, does the engine turn over freely, also may be a good idea to drain the oil through a sieve and find any foreign objects, on the other hand, i had a mk6 escort which i slammed into 2nd at 80mph many times and simply it just hit the limiter and locked the wheel's, good luck, jeff


cheers mate.

Thats wot im afraid that i may have done, but i just wanna get it fixed up !!

I got plans for it you see and so don't wanna have a nakered R on my hands !!

But cheers for the help dude. Much appreciated.


Same thing for me mate, having teething problems, ive just spend hundreds having my gearbox rebuilt only for it too spew oil all over my new clutch, just a case of chin up and get on with it, jeff


indeed !

I know this is just a minor blip, or at least i hope it is !!

The pulsar has grown on me in every way, from outside appearance, to interior, engine, everything!!

Its gonna be my new baby !!! :lol:


Well guys, the pulsar is now booked into Nemesis Performance 2mo.

Anyone know anything about them??

Im just gonna get them 2 diagnose the prob and sort it out.

Hopefully then i will have a mint R once again !!