help finding quarter panel


New Member
:) hi guys.....not really new to the forum just keep myself to myself and read away....but im in desprate need of help sourcing a rear driver side quatrer panel...and before anybody says nissan??ive been waititng for nearly three months for one to arraive from japan to amserdam and then over here but as it seems these panels are rare as rocking hoarse**** they seem to keep disapering :? ?????and ive searched just about every website out there to no avale...even went to buy a whole shell just to cut the quarter off but buy the time i ground through the paint it was just as much off a sive as the one i took any help or a spare one lying around in anyones garage would be most apprecited as im three parts there from total rebuild and this bits holding me up something rotten:evil:


New Member
thanks for the reply fella.....but i was actually in need of the whole rear quarter panel, not just the arches....ive actually been on that site and asked if the could source me one but yet joy:roll: it seems as if no one not even nissan are stocking them own fault shouldnt have bought a rust bucket in the first place an i might not have had to replace so many panels:tongue:


Why not just buy a mint shell from bobby, He always gets good one's in from time to time, We've just bought a mint white one off him to re shell my mates rust bucket lol.



New Member
:-D it does sound like a good idear as i have a good friend down here in kent who buys and sells all sorts of jap motors and is a bit of a wiz with the pulsars especialy....and he offered to sell me a good shell for just £250 and i mean it is good...but there are two things stoppin me;-) the time and money ive alredy spent replacing new sills and floor pans already and secondly havin the space to do it as one of my garages is full of other toys and the other full of pulsar:roll: . also me and mr bobby dont quite see eye to eye...long story and i dont wanna slag anyone off so i wont go there :tape2: if you catch my meaning. Also im nearly there after months of blood sweat and tears getting to the stage im at now, and to start all again i think would just blow all the enthuisasim that i have left for the old girl right out of the close but yet so far