help cars running like a pig >:(



hi all............................................................

right iv got a problem on my R , but i cant put my finger on it :evil: :?
last week it stated to miss so i remover the plugs and they look all most new and check over the ht leads and they seem fine,

on a trip out with the girlfrend the car stated to judder(miss)agen, befor the miss was happning in 2,3,4 gear at bout 2000 to 4000rpm so then i took it to a tunner and they check it over for me , they seen to fink its coz iv got a bleed valve on it at a bar and when its boosting it hit the fule cut ? ( can any one tell me if this is right)

so then the guy that road tested my R asked me about wat iv got on the R i said that i got a fule pump and just put a new fule filtter on it so then he said it got to be ur maf, so on the weekend i changede the maf ,

after running the car on standed boost it seemed like it had gone but now iv put the boost up to a bar agen it has bin juddering rilly bad
could it be coz its so hot at the moment ?
or could it be a ecu folt ?

i no it cood be so meny fings :evil: :evil: :evil:
so my Q is do any of you no what it could be coz its pissing me of :evil: :evil: :evil:

thnanks lionel.


this sounds like the same problem I'm having, except I'm running standard boost. Someone's posted up, also with a similar sounding prob:

When you said could it be cos its hot, that reminded me(forgive me if I get anything wrong here but I'm not too good on technical stuff in engines). My mechanic said that the valve that comes out (or summat) to operate the wastegate can sometimes stick when it gets really hot, which can make it judder and not boost properly. He said this as a general thing on turbo'd cars not Rs specifically but I wondered if anyone's heard of this problem on Rs in particular?


i just fult coda checked it and it come up with 55 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

also the f**king abs light on and will not go out :shock: :evil: :evil: :evil:

anyone no how to get rid of the abs light ?



f**K i wish it had come up with an other number then i had sum kind of idear on wat is rong with it :?

anyone no how to swich of the f**King abs light coz after i did that test i found the abs light is staying on :evil:


its really wierd :?

as i said on the phone earlier, how can opening the bleed valve up make any difference :?:

you dont make full boost @ 2000rpm so there surely shouldn't be any difference :?

strange things cars are :roll:


i went out in it last nite wen it was cool and it didnt do it then ...........but 2day it started to do it wen it got very hot so im now thinkin that its heat soak.

wat the rest of yall fink ?


It's not a fuel cut because the Gtir doesn't have one :roll:


now i thort that but was not shor , the tunner i took my R to on riday said that it was hiting the fule cut ............i fink he was just trying to get me to buy sunin :evil:


New Member
lionel_white_R said:
so then the guy that road tested my R asked me about wat iv got on the R i said that i got a fule pump and just put a new fule filtter on it.
:wink: Did it do it before you changed the fuel filter :?:


wen i go back to work next week ill get a fule cleaner and stick it in there and give it a go :D


well went out to day in the R and when i was driving it would not hit a bar of boost and it was juddering like mad , check the fault code and there was showing 55 agen :evil:

im goin to give it a week and try stuff at my garage if not im goin to send it away and see what a tuner says as im getin pissed with it now :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


what shood the plug gap be for 1 bar ? + this weekend it bin drivein rilly bad at day time come the nite and it run rilly well :?

could this be down to the heat during the day? could it have somein to do with the heat socke from the intercooler ?

muppet i mite come and ge the other ecu that you have got to see if it that , is that ok ?