won't fire up :(


New Member
i've just had the engine rebuilt and put back in.

Everything is connected but the fucking thing won't start!!!

I've checked that the fuel pump is working as you can hear it start up and fuel is getting through.

I've so far swapped my coil X2 (cheers Edd 8) ), dizzy, HT leads, and ignition amplifer off a good working car (thanks Pete 8) ) but the fucking thing wont start.

It's now starting to really piss me off and am thinking was it really worth it?

All the earth's and power sources have been checked and are fine. All the electrials plugs are in.

The car will crank over but just won't fire from the fucking coil!! There is an electrical signal going to the coil but the fucking thing won't spark!

Any ideas or suggestions.



Active Member
That's really fookin strange. You've got power to the coil but no spark.

You've changed all the relevant things.... do you have an induction timing lamp? Strap it to an HT lead and see if flashes... then you know you have HT. Then you're down to broken down caps or plugs - but surely not all 4!!! How long has it been off the road?

You've not left the dizzy rotor off have you? (hit me now!)

Anyway.... you know it's gonna be something so stoopid u'll punch your self and have a beer when u find it. Don't let a minor glitch get you so down after going through the grief of a rebuild.

It'll come right.

GeeTee 8)


New Member
it's been off the road for 5 months and it' got a brand new rotor arm on it.

I've tried a good set of Ht leads, dizzy and coil. Might try and test the loom for the ignition side in the morning.

I'll prob just end up ripping the thing apart looking for this dam fault!!


Active Member
Why why why is it ALWAYS like this???

You get so close to getting it back together and the smallest thing fooks u up.

It's usually 11pm... you meant to stop at 7pm but you're that close to it going again you think 30 minutes won't hurt.

Better off having a kip and looking at it tomorrow....

By the sound of it - it's a daft one.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you done a code check? I don't know if it will register a fault if the car won't start, but maybe worth a try.
It looks like you've tried everything the manual suggests, the only other things that spring to mind are weak battery voltage, faulty wiring to, or at the coil or maybe a faulty ecu :?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Just to clear up, you're definately getting no spark at the ht lead from the coil? and you definately are getting fuel to the injectors?


Did you change the fuel pump? Make sure the polarity is correct, as one member I know :wink: had a problem same as yours and it was due to this :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
GINGA said:
Could this be yet another f***ed ecu after its been left standing for a while :?:
Possible, but I decided as he said he's getting a spark at the coil, it was a problem at or after that point, that's not to say it's the right spark at the right time he's getting. :?

Another option, could be to put your parts on the other car and see what stops it starting.


Active Member
andy take the dizzy out and with ign on turn it by hand also pull one of the ht lead out stick plug on the end and give the dizzy a few turn it should spark at the plug. is the cas supply correct phased output to the coil? also check the injector pulses weather they are switching. if they aren,t then it be cas circuit fault



New Member
hummm, i think it's now down to a fucked ECU or a broken wire somewhere :cry:

had my mate down with Consult II and the only fault it showed was the dizzy but i've just tried a good dizzy of a mate so i know that's fine.

just going to pick up a spare ECU to try......

Fast Guy

Staff member
If it's showing the dizzy, that should be the crank angle sensor. Could you try your dizzy in his car? The code means the component or the wiring circuit, so it might be worth checking the wiring for continuity.


New Member
right i'm now getting really pissed off with this!!

To recap i have tried the following (all parts have come off another car so i know them to be in good working order):

HT leads
Dizzy cap
Ignition Amp

So far nothing has worked! The dam car still won't fire!

On the coil there are two wires, one of which is a live and the other a switch live. I have been told that the live is a good 11.3V and also same for the switch live. However when i try to start the car the switch live is dropping to about 6/7V :? Now after trying all of the above parts we think it's the switch live that is at fault or the wiring harness. Anyone ever had a fault simular to this or can suggest somthing?

Also, i have noticed that my rear heated window demister does not work or the n/s front light (but indicator does work :? ). I don't know if this is connected or another problem i have?

Anyone know the wiring circuit on an R or offer any sugestions??

Fast Guy said:
Possible, but I decided as he said he's getting a spark at the coil, it was a problem at or after that point, that's not to say it's the right spark at the right time he's getting. :?
btw, Carl, i'm not getting a spark from the coil but have a signal going to the coil :s


have you tried another battery or cranked the car off jump leads and another car?

is your earth grounded properly?

Is or does the coil need to be grounded

if your getting a sudden drop in voltage there must be wire or battery problem somewhere.

are you sur eyou havent missed a wire off the battery or an earth somewhere

i'm sure you have checked all these but best to ask and help :oops: :p


New Member
have you tried another battery or cranked the car off jump leads and another car? YES

is your earth grounded properly? YES

Is or does the coil need to be grounded DON'T KNOW

if your getting a sudden drop in voltage there must be wire or battery problem somewhere WHERE?

are you sur eyou havent missed a wire off the battery or an earth somewhere POSS BUT HAVE CHECKED ALL

any other suggestions?