Hello from Finland!


New Member
Hello all!

My name is Joni, and i come from the ever sunny Finland!

I'm in the process of buying my first GTi-R and I'm currently looking one to export from UK.

I have owned few exotic cars before and they include the mighty Charade GTti, TT RX-7 and Subaru Legacy GT-B TT.


hi and welcome to the club
check out my website joni, www.gti-r-us.co.uk theres one on there that maybe up for sale again as the guy who left a deposit on it 2 months ago still has not paid for it!


New Member
welcome mate. Good luck with the search. plenty of smiles to come, along with a few tears!


New Member
Welcome Joni..... good luck with your quest, you have not lived unless you have owned an R....
The car Pulsarbob has mentioned may be worth a look.... he sees many a pulsar and can identify a good one.
If you are not happy, you can voice your views here so we can drag him over hot coals... or should that be sauna followed by ice pool.


New Member
Hello from Norway. I was in Finland a while back visiting the tire factory
in Nokia and testing tires at the Nissan test track amongst others.
Nice place and nice people, why don't you get a LHD?
A couple pics from the track, not so sunny though...
