Heat Sheild


New Member
Does anyone use them?
i no custom manifolds cant have one :lol:
what about peeps with standard turbo and cooler??
mines off as bolts threaded so it got cut off :lol: is it needed??
me cally turbo erst never had one and was same set up, i.e turbo directly behind radmoved to tuning-skiddusmarkus


Nah - I'd just chuck it if I were you. I've never seen the point in them - surely the heat shield gets nearly as hot as the manifold does?

I guarantee you won't notice the difference!


on the contrary they do exactly what their name implies. The get hot yeah but not as hot as the manifold under them. The tend to lose their effectivness when they get rusty and tarnished. Give them a cleaning and a polish and they will help.

If you were to "lag" or heat wrap the standard manifold and use the heat sheilds you would gain a bit of thermal efficiency


Sirnixalot said:
If you were to "lag" or heat wrap the standard manifold you would gain a bit of thermal efficiency
A much better idea IMO, but probably a right pain to do with a std. manifold.

I've run my S13 with and without heat shields and have noticed no difference at all. I mean, yes they might stop a tiny bit of heat escaping from the manifold, but the turbo gets nearly as hot, and that has no shield!


Active Member
Pete C said:
Sirnixalot said:
If you were to "lag" or heat wrap the standard manifold you would gain a bit of thermal efficiency
A much better idea IMO, but probably a right pain to do with a std. manifold.

I've run my S13 with and without heat shields and have noticed no difference at all. I mean, yes they might stop a tiny bit of heat escaping from the manifold, but the turbo gets nearly as hot, and that has no shield!

I lagged mine-it didn't take long(with mani off) but the awkward bolt on bottom of the manifold is even more awkward with lagging on.Anyone doiing it would be better to not warp the area round that if they can help it.