Heard of this before ?




Have not used car for a few years and basically it wont start (tried everything) A friend of a friend who works at Nissan says that there is some cpu /box that will need some code/software or something progammed back into it to enable it to start. Think basically what they were saying was this has been lost as it has not been used for so long. Heard of this before ? *Think * they said it might be in steering column whatever it is.
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New Member
:-D Hi mate,it would help if you listed what you have tried so far ;-) .Have you drained the tank and filled up with fresh petrol as it looses its octane when its been standing,you would also need to remove all the sparkplugs and crank the engine over a few times as well and fit a new set of plugs,all these would help 8) .



Emptied tank-new petrol added (2 gallons) fuel filter,new plugs,new battery, fuel pump working,all fuses checked, fault code 55 (clear) tested and spark going to each plug, when plugs removed petrol on them .. think thats it. Car was running perfectly when i left it with regards to starting and everything else.Engine cranks fine just doesnt start so that is why details in my first post i am starting to think they could be right its just i have never heard of that before.
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