Have I done serious damage...? updated...again...

I raised the boost a little, but still just under 1 bar then when I was giving the car a bit of stick it suddenly started spluttering and sounded a bit rough. I backed off and it runs ok, all oil pressure, temp and engine temp gauges read fine, and it still runs ok but if you put your foot down it won't go, feels like a fuel cut. Could it be this or does it sound like something more serious? Any help gratefully received... :cry: :(

Fast Guy

Staff member
Make sure you don't have any loose or split boost hoses.
Check your spark plugs are fine and the gaps are ok

If you're worried, do a compression test. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Any smoke from the exhaust :?:

First i'd check for split boost hoses/any pipes blown off. Then maybe do a compression test to check for piston damage :(
Haven't had the chance to check all the hoses properly but at a glance they looked ok, nothing obvious although the dump valve is very quiet, but then I haven't given it much stick since. It has a new walbro fuel pump in it. Seems to be building boost ok. Anyone in the Cambridge area that could do a compression test if necessary? Bit beyond me :?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Cambridge_pulsar said:
nothing obvious although the dump valve is very quiet,
You might have blown a boost hose off, or the wastegate actuator may have disconnected. (assuming the turbo isn't dead)
The turbo seems to be spooling up ok, have to say when it happened it did sound kinda like a hose coming off. Will have to investigate further but doesn't sound like impending doom so much now...


Well-Known Member
It does sound like a hose has popped off. My dumpvalve pipe blew off once, there was a pop from under the bonnet and the car started missing/hesitating :shock:

I f o o k i n g crapped myself thinking the engine had gone bang :lol:


I had exactly the same prob, Turned out to be my coil was on the way out. Also it melted the coil to dizzy lead. Change the lead and see if it works. :wink:


New Member
might sound silly but is ur car chiped?
as it maybe the over boost kicking in cos you running more then standard boost :?:


So is it missing? If it's an ignition problem it could just be the gap is too big on plugs or the leads may be breaking down.


Definatley sounds like a boost hose slipping off :wink:

Same problem I had yesterday after a little play with a Honda Type R, need to order a few more Mikalor clamps I think :D
Thanx for all the suggestions, think I may have solved it as the damn thing wouldn't start at all today. Took the distributor cap off and its well and truly f*cked, wonder it was working at all. Hopefully a new one will solve it :D
Bollo*ks! Damn thing won't start at all now. Is turning over but won't start. Is there another easy way to check the leads other than just to check they're sparking against the rocker cover? After i've done this and checked the plugs what should I do next, apart from cry like a baby obviously :(

Fast Guy

Staff member
Don't want to ask the obvious, but have you reconnected the leads in the right order on the dizzy cap? (there are numbers on the dizzy cap :wink: )
Yes have checked the leads and yes it has a new cap and rotor arm. can't hear the fuel pump but then I don't think I ever could. You can smell petrol from the front of the car when it's turning over though so I assume the pumps working