Has anyone seen this before?



The bracket for my clutch pedal has cracked, and I was wondering if anyone had seen this happen before or had suggestions.

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New Member
There is a so called Clutch support bracket which strengthens the original bracket not to break. I guess yours would be a result of not having the Clutch support bracket :doh:

sorry dude i was having trouble reading your post
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New Member
stevepudney is the man you will want to talk to for a clutch support bracket or try the search function that just might point you to some answers bet you never thoughtn of that


New Member
Slohan said:

this is the piece that actually breaks the support bracket is a way to strengthen this from breaking again if that makes sence so yes this would be above all the other stuff
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My understanding was that the bracket generally separates form the firewall at it's base, which is why I was wondering about this break in particular. Although I guess that's sort of irrelevant. Perhaps my question should have been, when repairing something this, is it usually welded as is? Or does the dash need to be removed? And does anyone have any suggestions as far as strengthening the bracket itself? Any help is greatly appreciated.

P.S. Used the search function extensively. Ordered the bracket a week before this even happened.


New Member
oh your in edmonton buddy thats cool i'm in stony plain a few guys have done it dash in and some guys have done it out personally i think it could be done dash in just cover as much as you can


That's mildly reassuring, thanks. But for the record, Edmonton and cool are like Robert Downey Jr. and sobriety - they just don't go together.


New Member
well if you dont like it , then do something about it, maybe you should try the modifiers club! you might like it there better

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
My clutch peddle snaped the day after i had an uprated clutch fitted it lasted just 50 miles it's a common problem i had it repaired by a tuner 3 years ago and it has been fine ever since . I was told that you had to strip out the dash to repair it. And you photo show's were it snaps as i thought it was where the peddle box attaches to the bulkhead so iv'e learn some thing from this hope you get it sorted soon .


I'll be carting it over to a bodyshop pretty soon here, so she should be back on the road in a week or so. They figure it'll run about $400-$600 to pull the dash and weld things up, so hoorah for credit cards! Studlife, what's the lowdown on this modifiers club you speak of?


Staff member
Slohan said:
what's the lowdown on this modifiers club you speak of?
The Modifiers Club is another car forum dedicated to the GTiR.

We are better though ;-) ( I would say that...i'm bias :lol:).