hard to start!!


New Member
hi ive had this problem for a bit just wonderd if anybody has any ideas?

quite hard to start in the morning just keeps cranking over and does not fire!!

but when its hot it starts quite easy!

if had new plugs a bout 2k ago! any ideas??



Staff member
does it crank slightly slower than when warm?

often suggests an ageing starter motor or battery...

when was the last time the starter was rebuilt?
and what voltage are you getting on the battery when cold?


Staff member
It's not something like the TPS or the AAC is it?
If you've been fiddling with them to bring the idle down, could it be that they're no-longer doing their job and getting the fuelling right for a cold start?
I only say this because I flooded mine once and it was like that... *wirr....wirr...wirr* *cough...splutter...backfire...die*


New Member
Did you space the plugs correctly as incorrectly spaced plugs will cause starting issues when cold, but when warm it wont be an issue?