Had a major brown trousers moment today!


Well-Known Member
I nearly got taken out big time by a mk2 escort rally car :shock: And the driver was someone i know too :lol:

I was out watching a stage rally on a local airfield and me and a group of mates were watching at the end of a long straight on a grass bank, anyway theres a slight kink at the end which they take pretty quick and he got out of shape and clipped a couple tyres and then he's heading straight at the bank where we're standing :shock: :shock: :shock: Instinctivly we all dived off this bank into the road behind which i hit pretty hard :? and we werent sure then if the car was gonna come over the bank and land on us :?

It didnt luckily, but if we hadnt all dived out the way the car would have skittled the lot of us. Once we'd all picked ourselves up we ran over to the car to see if he was ok and that must be one of the worst feelings ever when you see someone you know stuck in a wrecked car making horrible groaning noises :( Luckily he had just winded himself.

Heres the end result :(


Fire & skill

Vintage member
think he needs to have a chat with Gartrac S2 - he'll have that fixed up in no time :wink:

glad all people concerned were ok


Well-Known Member
deisel weasel said:
it was probably that poxy mitsubishi jacket that distracted him :shock:
Probably :lol: We all took the p i s s out of him for driving like a girl in his last rally :lol: So what does he do this time, drives like a looney and nearly kills us :shock:


New Member
FOOK ME!!!! :shock:

Glad hes ok, but look at the mess hes made of that poor mk2 escort :cry: One day ill have one 8) they are the dogs danglies 8) 8) 8)


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
F U C K!! :shock: :shock: :shock: glad he' s ok.

iv always thought you nutters that watch pick some damned funny places to stand :shock: :p :wink: :lol:


I drove an old MK2 escort on a rally course a couple of months back - great fun!!

Glad your friend is ok though mate - that's the main thing.



what a waste of another mk2. :cry:
glad ur mates o.k, bet he relapsed into much internal bleeding when he got out and looked at his motor :shock:


New Member
Wow thats nasty glad hes ok thou. :shock:
If he wants another mk2 got 6 in work being turned into rally cars. We shipped them in from new zealand good solid cars 8)


Well-Known Member
BenD said:
If i seen you at the side of the road, i would aim for you too :twisted:
:shock: :shock: :shock: Thanks mate :lol:

Just dont try it in your sh1tty xantia cos it would probably fall to bits if you hit anything :wink: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've just got back from scrutineering for the somerset stages rally tomorrow which my mate is doing in his mk2, hopefully i wont have any near death experiences this week :lol: Although we did have a worrying moment when my mate decided to let off a display firework outside the workshop just now :lol: It didnt even get out the tube and exploded on the ground :shock: Right next to his rally car :lol:

I should go to bed really cos i've gotta be up at 5 in the morning :( I cant be bothered though :oops: better stock up on redbull i think :lol:

All loaded up and ready for action 8)
