gudgeon retaining spring....or sirclip?


New Member
im having my engine rebuilt and my machinest wants me to get new gudgeon pin retaining things but the item that came out was a spring like jobber but when i went to nissan to get some new ones they came out to be a standard like sirclip.

Whats the crack there then?

Can anyone advise me on this and/or have the part number as this is all i need to complete.



generally aftermarket pistons come with snap rings, but surclips 'as diesel weasel has pointed out' come as standard!

i personally think that surclips are better and stronger than snap rings, but you can fit either as it will make no difference providing the gudgeon pin is secure in the piston.

Fast Guy

Staff member
nitrosgti-r said:
im having my engine rebuilt and my machinest wants me to get new gudgeon pin retaining things but the item that came out was a spring like jobber but when i went to nissan to get some new ones they came out to be a standard like sirclip.

Whats the crack there then?

Can anyone advise me on this and/or have the part number as this is all i need to complete.

If you look in the gallery, you can advise yourself;-)



New Member
sorry fast guy but im afraid thats all a foregn language to me. much rather speek to ppl and get the info i need thanks. Hope thats ok with you?

Cheers for that guys. The sirclips do actually look the better part for the job in my opinion by hey, what do know.

What i need now tho is a gasket set for the the bottom end etc. Can any one advise me on where to get one from? Nissan have quoted me £150.



thought all the bottom end was silicone sealant!
the only thing you need is a new front and rear mains oil seals

buy some gasket paper and gasket sealant from a motor factors and it will cost you £5 and both the seals are no more than a tenner.


New Member
yeah thats what im going to do bobby, cheers mate....problem number 2 then......the gudgeon pin i got from you is not the same as the ones i have in my pistons???? they are longer and the inside dia is too small, thus making it heavyer, thus effecting the balance of the engine. WHERE CAN I GET SOME GUDGEON PINS FROM? Iv tried nissan but i have to buy the piston too.

still not solved the sirclip/spira clip saga either! Ok the standard pins had sirclips to keep them in nicely but i deffo have the SPIRACLIP. Any idea where i can get some from?

These little things are really doing my head and my wallet in so please someone

Cheers guys :)


the gudgeon pin i sent came from a standard piston, would have thought they had all been the same size as they still have to fit through the small end in the conrod.
so how can you have a smaller diameter gudgeon pin:? ???


New Member
well i think that the out side dia is ok but its the inside dia that is smaller so that means there is more metal there so it makes the pin heavyer "and it will effect the balance of the engine" This is what my machines/engine builder has told me. he said that they are too long too. i have the exact measurment of the 'old' pin but i left them at work, i think the legnth is somat like 63.5mm and the outside dia is 22mm and the inner is 13mm. i will get the exact measurments 2mo


ah i see!
they are obviously modded then when you buy a set of forge pistons, and lightened.
never noticed that before.
just out of curiosity, how come you need one gudgeon pin?


New Member
yeah thats a good point. id say you have the answer then. where do you think i could get one from? Looks like i may have to fone up rip off norris then and pay for a set of pistons or somat very silly.

Im only after the one as i only bent one conrod (#1) when she went in the ditch and sucked in a load of water, the rest were fine. i did run the engine (unknowingly) and i think thats when the pin took the 3 thou of wear cos not only was the rod bent but the piston was slightly on the **** to the side also :(

The piston is fine as far as i am aware