gudgeon pin size?


New Member
ok the gudeon pin came off my bent conrod was found to have 3thou of wear on it so i need i need a new pin.

i got another one sent but its turned out to be too long and the inside dia is smaller than the other, thus making it heavyer etc....

So, does any one have a standard pin lying around that they would kindly measure for me so i can see if my pins are non standard?

My engine is a norris design rebuilt engine and i dont know if they have used "other" pins?

Any idea where i can get a pin from etc

ALSO, any idea where i can get a set of 2 SPIRA LOCK gudeon pin retaining clips from?

Cheers fellas


Active Member
you usually find that whoever made the pistons will supply the rods, you'd be better finding out off norris what the make of pistone you have and getting a pin off them.

same place for the spiralocks.


New Member
it'll more than likely be a set of je's in there if its a norris engine.

je's come with pins, clips, rings etc.etc


New Member
yeah they are je's. sorry should have said that. i'm going to have to fone norris in the morning then and hope they will sell me just one? Its my last hope i think?


Active Member
You're the dumbass, dumbass.:roll:

JE's phone number...001-714-898-9233

it wasn't hard to find.:der: