gtir's on the road


New Member
Who knows/can find out the latest of how many GTiR's are one the road and how many are SORN?


Well-Known Member
hit the search button, this discussion has been had recently on here and the modifiers forum, it's a grey area as it seems a lot of cars are down wrong on their logbooks and the dvla records aren't perfect


Staff member
As has been said many times:
1) That's only the Sunny and doesn't include the Pulsar.
2) That's only if the information in the DVLA database is accurate; quite a few cars are down as something completely different.

As an example, my V5 says it's a "Nissan Sunny GTi", and I know others have things like "Nissan White".

It doesn't mean the site is no use, but take it with a pinch of salt when you're looking at anything that was never a UK domestic car.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
you will never know, not ever.

dvla are so fuckin useless at doing anything.

some cars are registered as gti, some as r plates, some as sunnys, some as pulsars.

but if you dont sorn your car within a week or so or keep it insured even when its taxed you'll get a fine. c u n t s
Mines SORN again, only put it on the road for a month or so a year, nothing wrong with it just don't get the time to play with it, can't bear to sell it!!

Respraying it later this year and possible drop the engine out for the winter, gives me the excuse to spend time in my garage fiddling, with the engine that is!..


Staff member
but if you dont sorn your car within a week or so or keep it insured even when its taxed you'll get a fine. c u n t s
Yeah, they got me with that one a couple of years ago now. - It wasn't on the road so I didn't worry about paying the road tax immediately... but it was going to be repaired any day so there was no point SORN'ing it.