gtir values!



noticed an interesting thread going on on the modifiers site in cars for sale section regarding the value of the gtir.
a lot of people are saying that people are selling their cars too cheap which is knocking the resale value of these little cars we own.
they are also saying that everyone should stick together and demand what the car is worth or not sell it at all:roll: :? which is the biggest croc of shite ive ever heard tbh. how can people stick together on something like that:der:
here is a reply i wrote which i believe sums up the situation, would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts on this one:)

at the end of the day it all depends on the person thats selling the car! if there skint and in trouble with money then they have to lower the price to sell quickly! but if your just selling up and have the good fortune to be minted then you can ask silly money for the car.
its the same with anything in life that you buy (a cars no different) there will always be bargains and overpriced items and those at correct price, and your own finances dictate what bracket your item ie be it car! is sold at.

with the parts i sell i try to hold a steady but fair price, but the parts i sell are not the cheapest, there will always be someone willing to undercut you so their item sells quicker. i do however believe that my prices are used as a marker for everyone else. but if i drop my prices then thats the beginning of the end for the gtirs value as a secondhand car (believe it or not), because people will still undercut you know matter how cheap an item is, this in turn lowers the value of the car as a sought after item untill it becomes a kind of xr3, scooby or whatever!
go back 2 years and prices of secondhand gtir's and parts were double what they are today because there were not so many spares available, but soon as people like me started to break them everyone else thought 'hey there worth more in bits' so they started to break there cars rather than sell them complete, and this was the inevitable beginning of the end regarding value of the gtir.

but people that say i want say 9k 'for arguement sake' are living in cloud cuckoo land:roll: :lol: (even if the money they have spent warrants that figure), and to think that everyone else is or should demand the same value for their car are even more insane than the guy who was initially asking the price in the first place.

ive lashed out between 15-20k on my heap but if i sold it, it would be worth no more than 6k tops as a complete car (and i would be very lucky if it achieved that figure). it really is about time that people realised that when they lash out loads of money on their cars that they WILL NOT get it back when the day comes to sell, the value of these cars is now finished, it will be years and years untill there ever worth any money again, and even then i think it will only be the complete standard mint examples that will be worth any money, all the modded examples such as mine and many others will be luck of the draw with what value they achieve.

this is just my thoughts btw would be interesting to hear what others have to say!


I agree with the above pretty much, Once the Pulsar starts getting interesting to the classic guys they will be wanting standard ones to restore, Our modded ones are only really of any interest to those of us that value performance over all else.

I've seen both sides of the coin coming from a classic car restoration back ground, All my early cars where mostly classic 50/60/70's cars, Most of these people make paint drying look interesting, I'd class myself as more a retro classic person rather than a true concors bore though :oops: :lol: :lol: .

Values don't really bother me that much because I'll never be selling mine as I could never justify the financial loss :doh: :oops: , If I where to ever want rid then I'd sell all the good bits on their own and refit a standard engine/box or something and sell it as a standard motor.


davey red.r

New Member
agree totally,ive chucked 7k at mine now,in 3 yr,not as much as a lot of lads on here,
but its still a canny chunk,ive had the engine done,forged,got the quaife in place with os,giken,them 3 came to £5400:shock: £700 on lightweight alloys,£450 custom made straight through full system,theres still about 2.5k to get it where in want it,£750ish for teins,£500 for brakes,then probably,£500 for full powerflex bush upgrade,including fitting,oh forgot £1000 for a 3071,£100 z32maf,£300 injectors,
then thats it for me, so spend total will be in the region of £10k:shock:
thats why im stopping at that as the rest spent will just be dead money.
like you say bob, where never going to get our money back.
when mine is done and i decide to sell,it would be no less than £5.6/6k,
or id just keep her. as ive a lock up for it.
imagine putting one of these away for ten year,then bringing it out with free road tax.
i bet they would go up in value rather than down.
7/9k i reckon what do yous think?

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Active Member
Good little right ups there lads, specially Bob, good to have a proper genuine bloke on the R scene,

I could pick spots of everyone of you on this site :lol: ...except bob, good dude


why thankyou mr marcy, i do believe im an:angel: in disguise 'not':lol: :lol:

anyway daveys ass is first to cop a portion lol

with regard to what you said though davey, i think you would still struggle to get that kind of dosh back on a modded car, myself included.

now if it were saddlers car or gunmetals which are unmolested pristine examples then maybe they will be rewarded in the longrun with a hike in value.

not that any of us bought them to make money in the first place 'that would be stupid' but i suppose it would be nice if your car actually appreciated in value rather than depreciated:)


I wanna touch on a point Bob made about people being in a tough situation, I have to agree that this also lowers the price and as much as we moan about our cars being under priced we cannot help peoples circumstances at certain times in their lives. When I purcahsed my car I couldn't believe the price Jambo was asking for it, turns out he had just lost his job and needed the money quick as it was just after christmas, if I was to sell my car today I could easily get more than what I paid for it, not much but just a little. Sometimes peoples hands are forced and as crap a situation as it was for him, it was a fortunate one for me, but these things can't be helped and having money is more important than the car in a situation like that.


The thing is it's everything though. It annoys me slightly the money they command (or lack of) but when you consider you can buy an STI version 4 for £4500 or an STI Type R 2 door for £5900, an R33 GTR for £7500, Evo 5 for £6800 etc etc.. It just says to me they are down with the rest.

All these Jap performance cars are pennies now and it's only going to get worse when petrol hits £1.50 in a few months!


New Member
Totally agree with you Bob, and thanks for the comment on my car! (I'm sure saddler will say the same!)

It's you're fault I changed my mind about selling my car first time round! :lol:

If I was to sell it I would ask for 4k and no less, due to the fact that it's spent most of the time I've owned it wrapped up in a cosy garage and never seen the rain! I know a lot of people would look at it and think that it's over priced as you can get one with a forged engine for that price. But IMO and a lot of other peoples as well it's well worth that price due to the condition of it.

The price their selling for at the the moment would mean it would make it an absolute nightmare to sell as people aren't asking for a lot of money for them so it makes mine look overpriced.

If I was to sell it there's no way I would sell it to a boy racer/chav as I would hate to see it ending up in your scrap yard in the sky! :lol:


gunmetalgtir said:
If I was to sell it there's no way I would sell it to a boy racer/chav as I would hate to see it ending up in your scrap yard in the sky! :lol:

Stop whining b1tch :doh: :der: .

Rob ;-)