GTIR questions!



Jus got a GTIR and got a couple of questions. First off is what type and how much oil should I be usin? Also are Blitz sus power induction kits any good? and also I dont want to use a stainless exhaust as i like being able to here, so is it feasible to run uprated boost on a standard exhaust wiith a Decat pipe without any massive losses? I know these questions have probably been asked a thousand times, but ive heard the forums for the GTIR are preety good. Any help is much appreciated! cheers guys!! :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
Stainless steel doesn't make the exhaust loud. It's the design of the exhaust that does that. ie straight through 3" decat for example. You can get quiet ones, but don't ask me which they are. :?

guest said:
I know these questions have probably been asked a thousand times, but ive heard the forums for the GTIR are preety good
You're right, they have....if not more. Try searching for now and save the sweet talk for when you want a problem solving :wink: :)


Right ill use the search function. I know that the material that you make an exhaust out of has little or no bearing on the noise produced,but im wondering how restrictive the standard exhaust will be once the cat has been removed. Ive got just a Kakimoto backbox and I dont want to whack a centre section and down pipe on if its going to be deafining, but at the same time if im putting the boost up to 1.2 bar, I dont want the exhaust to be a major point of restriction, if you see what I mean. Cheers for your help guys!! :)


Active Member
Anonymous said:
Right ill use the search function. I know that the material that you make an exhaust out of has little or no bearing on the noise produced,but im wondering how restrictive the standard exhaust will be once the cat has been removed. Ive got just a Kakimoto backbox and I dont want to whack a centre section and down pipe on if its going to be deafining, but at the same time if im putting the boost up to 1.2 bar, I dont want the exhaust to be a major point of restriction, if you see what I mean. Cheers for your help guys!! :)
right katimoto zorst will be quiet but the one i have was a true three inch system i only binned mine cos it was dead :cry: just get it decatted n u wont have nay problems :D


I used to have a magnex rear section on mine with a std front with cat. I decatted it & noticed no noise increase, but noticed increase in performance.

Gone for the goose and it's a little louder now. :lol:


Thats just what I wanted to hear! Cheers for that, I was just worried that I would be losing some BHP if I didnt do the whole exhaust, but if its going to be ok with just a decat and back box, ill go with that.Thanks again!! :D


New Member
Anonymous said:
I dont want to whack a centre section and down pipe on if its going to be deafining, but at the same time if im putting the boost up to 1.2 bar, I dont want the exhaust to be a major point of restriction,
you would be better off doing the lot, the standard exhaust is pants and the front pipe and dump pipe are very restrictive so you're defeating the object of running more boost by keeping them, you will make far better gains with a full system