GTI-R Database


Active Member
What would be people thoughts on a "GTI-R DATABASE" for UK And other countries ? I would be happy to run it or re-edit the topic to get some idea on what cars are about in the Gtir world today and also what car bobby kills :lol: in RIP Section
There would be no need to post the cars full reg just a few letters edited out (as Below)
owners or people who have spotted pulsars would need to pm there reg with
the colour or written off i could add the car to the list ..

its Just a idea i have so be easy if you dont like it...8)

L27* PSX

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vss irvine

Well-Known Member
im not sure this is a good idea. say someone has a blast down a road and upsets a sunday driver, if they get part of your number plate, plod could come on here and with a couple of brain cells, work out who it was.

i know the uk plod are short of brain cells most of the time, but they might hire some from abroad.

i wouldnt be happy if my car was spotted then my number plate( or part of) put up for all to see on t'internet.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
if you want a list of pulsar plates that have been scrapped, well i can easily help you with that!!


Active Member
vss irvine said:
if you want a list of pulsar plates that have been scrapped, well i can easily help you with that!!
8) its would be a useful addition to the lists...


tbh john i cant see the point as only around a half of owneres use the sites anyway and only around a third of those would give you the info you needed!
so it would be a pointless exercise.

like martyn i could probably trawl through around 30 plates of stripped cars and those sold abroad etc, but there would be nothing to gain from it, other than those that thought '(i used to own that car but bob the bastad has scrapped it):lol:


Staff member
MarkTurbo said:
Same here. I reckon about 90% of the people who own a gti-r wouldnt give a toss what other cars are about :lol:
Agreed :lol:

to give you some idea there was a list once upon a time, I think it got published on here years ago (in the yahoo group days) before there was uproar and it was removed.
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Fire & skill

Vintage member
all the RS boys used to do this - would be good in principal but far too many crooks out there, and as stated before the filth would get info from it too


South West Regional Rep
Let me get this right, your worried the police would come on here to find the owner of a car from a number plate?

Oh yes I remember it from Police Camera action, every time a car goes through a speed camera the write down the number plate and then go into goggle to try to find the owner. Hi tech aren't they

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
your missing the point numb nuts, no one wants theyre numberplate on the internet with an area they live in.

unless your the exception?


South West Regional Rep
vss irvine said:
your missing the point numb nuts, no one wants they're numberplate on the internet with an area they live in.
Yes I must be, could you explain why people would not want their numberplate listed other than for the car to be cloned. I'm being serious as I really can't see what the problem is.

I'm going out to my car now to remove my plates, incase anyone sees them


kenan said:
Yes I must be, could you explain why people would not want their numberplate listed other than for the car to be cloned. I'm being serious as I really can't see what the problem is.

I'm going out to my car now to remove my plates, incase anyone sees them
have you not seen that 95% of the pictures of cars on the interweb have their plates covered or at least photoshopped out?

The other 5% are a combination of people who either don't care, or aren't with it enough to blure their number plates in the first place.:doh:


Active Member
I walked into a postshop in nz after a stupid mother****er cut me up on my way home from work got their house address on the way i calmed down and didnt kill the **** but its easy to steal a car hard part is finding out where it lives, you really only need the rego and a owners club or any site or club with a rego its a good place to look if you are a organised bunch of criminals wanting to steal cars and parts to order because we take care and look after our cars.