GT3071R T2 56 trim vs T3 60trim??


New Member
This is abit of a tecchie question but anyone know how would a GT3071R 56.5 trim T2 turbine .84 A/R compare to a T3 60 trim .63 A/R turbine??.

Maybe I should look at efficiency maps but i dont know how to read them. Can anyone help??


Fast Guy

Staff member
The map I have for the T3 says it's a completely different kettle of fish to the GT3071. T3 will struggle to make near 330bhp, GT3071 should 400+



New Member
I had the GT3071R with the .56 a/r housing (IT failed after instalment problems) I found that when boosting it held back on boost at mid rev range. The problem I have been told was due to the smaller housing.

I am now changing to the T3 version with the bigger housing (.82 a/r).



New Member
Thanks for the replys guys, I gonna try out the .63 A/R without the internal wastegate, since its 60 trim it should flow like the t2 flange .82 A/R (im hoping).


Staff member
GTiR_Mic said:
I had the GT3071R with the .56 a/r housing (IT failed after instalment problems) I found that when boosting it held back on boost at mid rev range. The problem I have been told was due to the smaller housing.

I am now changing to the T3 version with the bigger housing (.82 a/r).

Mic, I don't think your turbo was a particularly good example, do you ?

…….the reason yours was so reluctant to boost at all was due to the dry as a bone, funny shaped, collapsed bearings in the core of your 3071, poor little things were doing there best to spin up despite the lack of lubrication but in your frustration you just kept on pushing them until they were locked up solid……………:doh:


New Member

Who is to say that my turbo never had the problem until the last re-fit of the turbo?

As far as I was made aware the turbo was being lubricated mate ;)



Staff member
GTiR_Mic said:

Who is to say that my turbo never had the problem until the last re-fit of the turbo?

As far as I was made aware the turbo was being lubricated mate ;)

I was only joshing matey ;-)


New Member
I will let you off this time :lol: :lol: ;)

Don't get a small housing on the turbo, try and go for a mid range to the larger housing.

As I said I found problems with the smaller housing.



New Member
GTiR_Mic said:
I had the GT3071R with the .56 a/r housing (IT failed after instalment problems) I found that when boosting it held back on boost at mid rev range. The problem I have been told was due to the smaller housing.

I am now changing to the T3 version with the bigger housing (.82 a/r).

You mention that you had a .56 A/R housing, I think you mean trim, garrett offer a T2 and T3 version of the GT3071R, the T2 is a 56.5 trim turbine with either .64 or .82 A/R turbine housing (turbine, I mean hot side) or you can go with the T3 60 trim .63, .82 or 1.0 A/R, since the turbine is abit bigger on the T3 version the .63 A/R would probably be like a T2 .82 A/R. The T2 version has the turbine ground down a little to fit into the T2 housing.