GT3071r Pics from failure


Active Member
alright guys, as some of you know my turbo that I brought desided to give up the ghost after an hour of use,

I do think still nothing was sucket in and it does not look like anything has hit the propelors, it just seems like the inner bearings have gone and caused play, when taking it off I know it had water going into it and seemed like oil was too from what came out, although there shouldnt be much as has not been started for 4 days?

here are some pictures anyway of the one side, will have to take the exhaust side off too but was more difficult and after having a shoulder operation my gammy arm gave up :lol:

and the last thing that sold me something dodgy :lol:
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Active Member
ow dear I have managed to bugger up the placing of the photos but cant seem to edit :( sorry for largeness aswell


Active Member
sory that first picture does look strane, no there all there just seems to have gone and eaten at the housing,


Active Member
couldnt take the housing off last night as my arm gave up so here is the other side with the housing still on, looks all ok just eaten into the housing

Looks to me like the thrust loading capacity of the bearing system gave up the ghost, (not quite sure how this is handled in BB cores as they don't have a thrust bearing like ajournal bearing core). But I think you said in the other post that it happened as you were coming on boost? If this is the case you would have been on the left hand side of the comp' map where the thrust towards the compressor end is highest. Looks as if at this point the bearings didn't want to know any more causing the impeller to scrape the comp cover.

What caused the bearings to fail is beyond me though.
The only other thing it might be is if the compressor cover had been refitted at some point and the front wheel clearence wasn't set properly


Active Member
ah interesting thanks for that, would you think if the compressor cover had come off would it not do it straight away?, as I think it was taken off and re possitioned to alow room for the manifold and pulled around slightly, but it seemed ok for a few hours on boost, the seal was ok so should have been on even but you never know, thats very interesting and something I did overlook not thinking about

yer thats right I just started to build up boost and then held back and i put my foot down again and I heard the whining from it then backed right off and stopped,
Not necessarily, both the compressor cover and wheel will creep very slightly whilst in use this could be enough to close up the gap if you were running a very low front wheel clearence, but would not be seen until after you'd been running a while and the material temperatures had built up a bit.

The seal would be fine but if over torqued the FWC would be too low.


Active Member
what is the front wheel clearance, the space between the housing and the fins? sorry for my lack of knowledge on this


Active Member
hehe no problem I caught the drift but was not quiet sure, I thought that no matter how you moved the compressor housing ( that the name) it would stay in balance with the find, so you would have to test and make sure this before you bolt it all back up and put it in place, it does look like what you said may have happened :(
true the comp cover can rotate around 360 degrees but if you bolt it up unevenly or over torque the cover thenyou can end up closeing up the gap too much, it may appear ok and spin ok but after some impeller/cover creep and under trust load towards the compressor if that gap is not correct then you may end up with rubbing. This is why I wouldn't touch the comp cover myself (I'd get one of my mates in lab ops that spend all day putting turbo together to do it!) as the clearance will be around 1/100th of an inch and very easy to get wrong. I'll get a diagram tmrw of the two measurements that you need to check the clearance.

It still maybe a bearing failure but I would definately rule out foreign objerct damage as that tends to be a lot more catastrophic


Active Member
yer brilliant thanks for your advise and information mate very interesting :) nice to have someone that realy knows his stuff,

my cousin took it off to move it around a little and I was a bit worried that as you said wasnt just a bolt of on job but he said naa its fine and swiveled it around and then put it back on, not sure if he torqued it at all just did them up, ow dear ow dear, put your trust in people that you think know about turbo cars, no wonder his 200sx never ran lol