GT3071R Compressor housing - repair or buy new?


Active Member
Ok, so I bought a 3071 from PaulB quite som time ago, but the outlet of the compressor was dented. Since the outlet isn't perfectly round, I can't imagine it will let the hoses stick at 1.6+ bar.

So - what I'm curious about is if it's easiest and cheapest to have this taken to a skilled welder, and let him correct the problem (I was wondering if I should have a 60mm flange welded on instead of the litlle one it originally has).
Or should I just get a new housing altogether? Anyone have one kicking about in good condition?

Just hope the play in the shaft is within normal range.

red reading

Active Member
how much play in the shaft is there? and if the rest of the compressor housing is ok weld a bit on there and save yourself some money .


Active Member
It's been a while since I fondled the shaft, so I can't really remember. And I don't have anyone else nearby knowledgeable enough to play with my shaft either. I'll have to recheck. I just noticed that there IS play in it.

The rest of the housing is OK - yes. I just have to find someone I trust to do a good job of it I suppose.. :)


Active Member
I'm fresh out of goats!

Having the housing welded also gives me a great excuse for getting it ported as well, I suppose! :D