Greddy Profec B v's Greddy Profec B spec 2


Staff member
Greddy Profec B v's Greddy Profec B spec 2

Does anyone know the differences between the original Profec B and the new "Spec 2" type


New Member
The spec II does all the same things as the original, but in addition to that it has the following features / improvements:

"In addition to the two presets, remote switch option and wastegate response adjustments, the B-Spec. II also includes: built-in back-lit LCD, which can display real-time, peak, or last boost (in either kPa or PSI), an optional warning and boost limiter functions and a larger capacity inline solenoid valve for higher boost levels"


Staff member
I was told that the original Profec B (not the spec II) had a single boost soliniod and suffered boost soliniod problems, and was told the spec II had two soliniods which worked much better.

Do I buy the original Profec B (not the spec II) and save myself about £80 - 100 or
Buy the spec II

:? :? :?


New Member
the only difference is that the greddy type s doesnt have a digital display which shows you settings etc

Id still go for the spec 11 as it has the digital display/warning function and also the ability to see your settings :wink:

At the end of the day they all do the same job really unless u buy one of the more complex boost controllers like the avcr/evc5/blitz which have alot more functions and are fully programmable to what gear your in at what rpm etc.
