got this off ebay i am not selling

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davey red.r

New Member
GTIR-LOZ said:
just wait till you go to fit them then!!!! nightmare is not even close
agree 110%
this was my face trying to fit them:x
and that was my face ,when i realised a strip of plastic had beat me:oops:



GTIR-LOZ said:
just wait till you go to fit them then!!!! nightmare is not even close
plz do not say that all give it a go and take pic all the way :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


New Member
I've heard to many nightmare stories about people trying to fit speedo's :doh:, think I'll just stick with my boring stock ones :lol:


New Member
I changed all my dials and fitted a delimitter at the same time as the dash was out.
It's not that difficult but you have to be very gentle when removing the pointers from there shafts. Hold the shaft firmly with tweezers.
Also, take some bench mark reading before you start the job.
When car is cold, start it up and on tickover, record neg vacuum, rpm and oil pressure.
Take it for a drive and get it to normal running temp and record water and oil temp. When you get home record fuel.
Fit the relative pointers back under the same conditions. You will have to fit the speedo pointer while driving by getting a friend to drive at a fixed speed or set it against RMP v Speed.
I have a guide in word format that I can email to you if need be.
It explains how to remove the dash and heater cable tips etc.


New Member
i have fitted them before and they are never the same again the speedo needle is always slower than before even if you mark them, they look nice but are not worth the hassle, or get someone else to do it it will be worth the cost


New Member
i`ve just bought some and knackered my speedo up, everything else was ok except for the speedo. i didnt realise how much was involved until i did it, hmmm would i do it again me thinks not but at least i deristricted at the same time and that was fun aswell because the live to the clocks on the connector you chop isnt a bloody live so why is it red next to a black wire away from the other wires in the connector?????????.
there is one tip i could offer and that is to only push the needle onto the shafts gently so you can adjust them easily if you need to.
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