goose no fit



bought a second hand goose this week. Cant grt it fitting right. the tail piece wont sit right and there is no hole for the lambda probe in the decate pipe, is it the wrong 1 or do i nooe a fitting kit

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is it definately a goose? There should be a threaded hole in the decat, but it's for the temp sensor, not a lambda probe, so don't worry about it too much. The only thing you might need to do with the tail section is to unbolt that rear most exhaust hanger and turn it through 180degrees as mine was lining up on the wrong side.


im sure it is a goose :? .
the last hanger is no where near its holes, ive had to spacer the bolts with washers just to get it on but its sitting way off to the left any ideas :?


Well-Known Member
I didnt bother with the last hanger on my mongoose system :wink:

Its not as if its gotta take any weight or anything.

Fast Guy

Staff member
You haven't tightened the centre to rear section before putting it on the last hanger have you? The rear section will rotate in the centre if still loose and this will allow for a fair bit of adjustment. The only other thing is rotating the hanger that's bolted to the floor pan like previously mentioned