Glad i noticed this early....


New Member
Right, well i had may G-force suspension set up on Tuesday, four wheel laser alignment. I'm really impressed with the way that the car handles now, its made such a big difference.
Now when the guys where setting the suspension up they noticed that the brake pads on the front were abit low, and they recommended that i change them soon, which i thought was good of them to let me know, but i knew this already and had some mintex 1144 pads waiting to go on.....
Anyway, decided to change the pads yesterday and had a bit of a shock. I jacked the car up and took my new, week old alloys off and noticed that the paint on the inside rims had been rubbed away, i then looked at the braided brake hoses and noticed that they had been rubbing on the alloys:doh: !
They had rubbed through the braided metal and started to wear away the rubber hose, i recon a day or two more of driving the car like this and i would have lost my brakes and who knows what would have happened:cry: !!!!

So, what do i do? The brake hoses where fine before i had the suspension set-up... Think i might call the company who did the suspension and see if they'll replace the hoses.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you were lucky ;-)

How close are the brakelines to the wheel then? Ive looked at a set of those g force coilovers on somebodys car and the bracket for the brakeline is just a flimsy strip of metal isnt it :?


New Member
Well i'd put the coilovers on some time ago and made sure that the hoses were well clear of the alloys. But i shelled out on a new set of alloys and they got fitted when the suspension was set up on tuesday......i guess the guys setting it up, moved the brake hose bracket and didn't check if it was rubbing on anything!
Yeah the bracket doesn't look the best, but its fine for holding the brake hose out of the way......providing you set the bracket clear of everything!!


same thing happened to me on the way down to japfest with my missus in the car:shock:

100mph down the a34, roundabout at bottom and no brakes at all when i wanted to scrub some speed off.
took the roundabout sideways about 80mph then pulled over.
run my hand round the back of the wheel to see where all the fluid had gone and sliced the back of my hand open:roll:

the braided brakeline had been rubbing against the wheel untill it had split in two.

now heres the good bit, the day before the car had gone in to be four wheel laser aligned, and the stupid little prick that did it, had unclipped the braided lines (both sides) as he couldnt get the track control arm locknut loose, but he put the wheels back on and left the lines loose to wear through.

mark turbo or andy chan will tell you what a state they were in when i arrived at castle combe:shock: ended up driving it there on the handbrake, just so i could buy some brake lines!

to say i was pi55ed off is an understatement, in a way i was lucky because the car was going on circuit, and the straight at combe is a 140 mph straight where you have to jump on the brakes at the end, if they had gone there it would have been carnage, and i could have been seriously traumatised by the impact into the barriers:lol:

now when i gets back home what do i do???
believe it or not, i didnt want the little runt to lose his job!
so i went up to the place where i had tracking done grabbed his arm, pulled him to one side and showed him the brake line, i then asked him very nicely to correct his ways before he ended up wiping someone out!
he was absolutely cacking himself, and to me that was punishment enough.
but you could always go the other route and grass him up to the governor if you wanted to, dont think anyone could blame you for that.
either way the little twat will think twice before he makes that mistake again;-) i hope!