GEMS ecu??


Active Member
Hi, does anybody know anything about them(GEMS)?
All i know that they are used in rallys
Are they any good?


New Member
before anyone says that nothings been developed for the gtir with gems for years its a standalone ecu that you map yourself, so it doesn't really matter.

if its got the same features and processing power as any of the other standalone ecu's it'll be just as good 8)


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
before anyone says that nothings been developed for the gtir with gems for years its a standalone ecu that you map yourself, so it doesn't really matter.

if its got the same features and processing power as any of the other standalone ecu's it'll be just as good 8)

Not strictly true...

GEMS are excellent... They haven't made anything for the GTiR under their own name for the last 10years or so... But the new AEM system is made by GEMS...


Fast Guy

Staff member
RishiGTiR said:
GEMS are excellent... They haven't made anything for the GTiR under their own name for the last 10years or so... But the new AEM system is made by GEMS...

Is it cheaper than £1500 anywhere? (that was with uego)


Active Member
the thing was, i was offered one but he didn't know how much to ask and so on(guess he was fishing). And i on the other hand don't know what's tehy worth and are they any good coz there's not much info on them??


Still waiting on some shims!
Fast Guy said:
RishiGTiR said:
GEMS are excellent... They haven't made anything for the GTiR under their own name for the last 10years or so... But the new AEM system is made by GEMS...

Is it cheaper than £1500 anywhere? (that was with uego)

They are quite expensive... Plus you need some sensors too... MAP, EGT, Air Intake Temp.... It all adds up...

I got all that with my AEM w/UEGO from the US for about $2440 inc Delivery... Then there is the £200 tax and duty bill that you will recieve on top of that...



New Member
RishiGTiR said:
Not strictly true...

GEMS are excellent... They haven't made anything for the GTiR under their own name for the last 10years or so... But the new AEM system is made by GEMS...


the AEM isn't that new :wink: its new because some of you are abit slow finding out about these things :lol:

But he's not on about the bloody AEM ecu anyways :roll: he's on about the gems unit, the GEMS unit that whenever it gets mentioned some nobhead will say 'it hasn't been developed for years' :roll:

for example :wink: through the power of a search we find this little gem :lol:

RishiGTiR said:
kirko said:
especially curious about gems
GEMS for an EVO... Fine..

But the GEMS for the GTiR hasn't been updated in 14years...

:lol: :lol: changed your tune from a few months ago rishi :lol: :lol:

As already said, its a standalone ecu so aslong as the processing speed is up to scratch and it has the same features as other standalones it'll be fine regardless of how long ago anything was done with it, as we all know an ecu is only as good as the person that maps it. So long as it can do the job, which no doubt it can, it'll be fine.

If you can get it cheap with everything you need all the better 8)


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
Not strictly true...

GEMS are excellent... They haven't made anything for the GTiR under their own name for the last 10years or so... But the new AEM system is made by GEMS...

the AEM isn't that new, :wink: just some of you are abit slow finding out about these things :lol:

But he's not on about the bloody AEM ecu anyways :roll: he's on about the gems unit, the GEMS unit that whenever it gets mentioned some nobhead will say 'it hasn't been developed for years' :roll:

for example :wink: through the power of a search we find this little gem :lol:

RishiGTiR said:
kirko said:
especially curious about gems
GEMS for an EVO... Fine..

But the GEMS for the GTiR hasn't been updated in 14years...

:lol: :lol: changed your tune from a few months ago rishi :lol: :lol:

As already said, its a standalone ecu so aslong as the processing speed is up to scratch and it has the same features as other standalones it'll be fine regardless of how long ago anything was done with it, as we all know an ecu is only as good as the person that maps it so long as it can do the job, which no doubt it can, it'll be fine.

If you can get it cheap with everything you need all the better 8)

I said 10 years OR SO!... :lol: I remember thinking it was 14 years but couldn't remember... :oops:

I know the AEM isn't that new... Its been out for quite a long time over in the US... Just that i never really bothered much with it as there was no one here who knew the software well enough to map it... As you said its only as good as the mapper... :wink:

Now i have someone to map the car... :D

The AEM is made by GEMS so is technically a GEMS unit... Just more upto date... More features available in the software and i'm sure a more powerful processor...



Still waiting on some shims!
I said that it hadn't been updated... Nothing about it being pants... :lol: :p

Are you using a GEMS by any chance...?



New Member
we all know you were really saying it was pants :wink:

dont make me hunt with the power of a search again :wink: :lol:

p.s i havn't got anything better to do either at the mo as i'm waiting for some paint to dry :wink: :lol: :lol:


New Member
RishiGTiR said:
Are you using a GEMS by any chance...?
no im bloody not... :shock:

they're old hat and havn't been updated for years :wink: :lol: :lol:

safc for me mate :oops: :lol:


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
Are you using a GEMS by any chance...?
no im bloody not... :shock:

they're old hat and havn't been updated for years :wink: :lol: :lol:

safc for me mate :oops: :lol:

Will you need an FCD with that too....?



Still waiting on some shims!
There is actually new software available for the GEMS ECU...

Just a little worried that the GTiR Compatable GEMS ECU's processor speed wouldn't be upto it... Unless there is a newer, more upto date universal ECU that uses its own loom which could then be used with the GTiR...

Still costs lots though...



Active Member
Any chance for a number(price) ?
It's second hand i'm prety sure it comes with nothing....or maybe, dunno yet!!!