Gearbox repair & new clutch fitting - Is this ok?



I know this has come up a fair bit on the the forums, I did a search and couldn't find a lot on pricing though.

Bought myself a new Helix Organic Fastroad clutch for £300 inc VAT and delivery, which I think I did alright on :)

My box crunches into 5th gear so I am going to have it taken out, stripped and rebuilt, have the 5th gear synchro's replaced and other gears all checked over and serviced etc etc and then put back in along with my new clutch for £990.

Do you think that is a reasonable price? Am I being maced?

Didn't seem to bad to me, but I'd like your advise. Wish I had the tools, knowhow and confidence to do this kinda thing myself, but can't just yet :oops: :(

Also, where do you guys get your uprdated fuelpumps and sparkplugs from?

Oh and where's the best place down south to carry out engine work? Oh and if I bought a frontmount IC would anyone down south be interested in helping me fit it? :oops: :?:

Cheers (sorry for all the Q's) :D


Also, where do you guys get your uprated fuel pumps and sparkplugs from?

He is in the Traders section.
Cannot say a bad word about this bloke, has never let me down 8)

Oh and if I bought a frontmount IC would anyone down south be interested in helping me fit it?
I would honestly say.....................give it a go yourself mate, its not as hard as you think.
Me and my mate fitted my Forge intercooler in a day and we had never done one before, infact I really enjoyed doing it :D
So when it came around to fitting my Hi Spec 4 pots & 325mm discs I was well in there getting my hands dirty :wink:

Trust me, you and a mate could do it in a day or two :wink:


try srb power, they do walbro pumps for about £100, iridium plugs too, i searched around and found them the cheapest, however you are best off phoning them as i posted a query up on their forum for some prices about a month o so ago, they still aint replied to my post :? :shock:

a bit ignorant i thouht, jeff


New Member
Az said:
My box crunches into 5th gear so I am going to have it taken out, stripped and rebuilt, have the 5th gear synchro's replaced and other gears all checked over and serviced etc etc and then put back in along with my new clutch for £990.

Am I being maced?
you will be if its down to sh!tty/low oil.

when i got it, mine used to crunch into 5th on high rev gear changes, feared the worst :cry: Did a full transmission oil change and its never done it since 8) 8) 8) .

Have you changed gearbox oil yet ??? or is it really bad :(


Thanks for the tips.

kieron, the fluid looks fine. I really do think the box has problem as the crunch is sometimes very loud and I can feel it right though the gearstick :oops: :(

I actually had the wrong price, because what I said in my first post INCLUDES supply and fit of clutch. Well I already have a clutch ready to go in, so the price I've got down to now is £740.00.

I'm pretty happy with this and I've seen the place and read up on it and it sounds ok, so I've gone ahead and booked it. She'll be in at the end of next week and should be ready Saturday.

Will let you know how it goes.



Where are you getting the work done ?

I'm in the south as well and need some gearbox work done.



Active Member
Thats a pretty good price 8) some companies would charge that just to fit a new clutch :roll:


Depending on your wear on 5th gear synchro, oil change can sometimes sort it, i had this :D but not any more, i changed the oil, better but after many a cossie baiting she wore to much, whilst i had the box out the other day to replace my burn't 2 year old AP organic for a Helix, i replaced all my bearings and the 5th gear twin baulk ring set up, and now she's lovely. :wink: