gear box problems



After having 4 years of hassle free GTiR fun its gone and let me down. Whilst changing from 3rd to 4th, the gear selection went very stiff and got stuck in 4th. When I stopped the car it will change between 3rd and 4th and after some side to side movement on the stick it now selected 1st, 2nd, 5th and reverse problem free. But trying 3rd and 4th again the action is still very hard. Leading me to think it could be selector damage, as there is no noise from the gearbox also when it is in gear it still works fine. Has anybody got any ideas or experienced anything similar?? Also can the gearbox be removed with the engine in situ, or will it have to be dropped?

thaks RICH

Fast Guy

Staff member
3/4th Selector breaks fairly often.
If it is that, you can take the gearcasing off in situ and gain access to the internals. Assuming the selector is a bolt in part (like on my rover gearbox) I can't see a reason you couldn't do it that way.
Check the How to's, I think it's in there.