FYI: Sunny window


New Member
Any sunny door glass fits.

It doesnt matter if its elec or not, so if you need a cheap window quickly go to the scrappy!

Cheers Tony.


Well-Known Member
Tony-turbo said:
if you need a cheap window quickly go to the scrappy!
I still havent found any sunnys in any of the scrap yards round here, Nissan must have made them too well :lol: I need to find one with wind up windows so i can rob all the winder mechanism and door cards off it so i can bin all the electric crap off my R 8)


New Member
Ive got one to make do until I pick up my correct bronze tint one. For £10 its not worth leaving it with a window out and not using it. Changine them is a doddle.

Loads of sunnys in my local scrappy.



MarkTurbo said:
I still havent found any sunnys in any of the scrap yards round here, Nissan must have made them too well :lol: I need to find one with wind up windows so i can rob all the winder mechanism and door cards off it so i can bin all the electric crap off my R 8)
am at the local one in the mornin can have a look if you want


Well-Known Member
If you find a normal sunny with wind up windows any chance you could get a picture of the door card :-D Just need to see what it looks like ;-)

I'll just wait until one turns up in a scrappy round here for the bits as its pretty low on my list of priorities at the moment, despite the fact my windows stopped working about a year ago :oops: :lol:


from memory think its the same shape just theres a grab handle where the window controls are on the drivers side not sure on the passenger side think its just diffent plastic bits on agian and the holes for the winders, if it is could get the piastic bits and the actual mech inside if you wanted


Active Member
MarkTurbo said:
despite the fact my windows stopped working about a year ago :oops: :lol:

Hehe, nothing better than having to get right out of the R to pay Mr Toll man on the M6. Its just like the old grand prix running starts then, jump in the R, first gear, scream off, grin like an eejit!! :lol: