fule prob/not ticking over properly



the 'R' is runing like Sh!t some time at 500-600 rpm then 1500rpm

when the car ticks over @ 500/600.. rpm there's black smoke out the back, and when i drive it. @ 3000 rpm the car feals like it holding it self back, that the dest way i can discrib it. but if i put my foot down i it gos like a bat out of hell :D

all this hapens when the fule is low (the first mark near the E ) if i fill it up to the max it run ok but uses to much fule more then wot it use to

could there be crap in the take need a new fule filter or is this a fule/Air mix prob.

any one had this prob be for if so wot did you do to fix it.

thanx Jez


New Member
sounds like it could be an airmass fault, or maybe an air leak of somesort, i cant see how it can be shit in the tank etc if its using too much fuel, that should clog up the filter causing you to underfuel, i would check for any air leaks etc, also check the earth of the maf as these can lead to bad fueling if the resistance gets too high, do a search it should be on here somewhere, might be worth swopping a maf with someone to see if it cures it, also a fuel filter change never hurts as they do tend to get pretty clogged up in a short space of time


so why is it runingok on a full tank and runing s**t when the tank i low.


New Member
yeah was thinking about that :shock: it might be that as its consuming shed loads of fuel that is suffering from fuel surges when going round bends etc cos it cant get enough in and is sucking air, i may be totally wrong it could turn out to be another problem, such as bad overfueling due to dodgy pump etc, but thats why you should try the stuff that doesnt cost you alot of money first such as trying another persons maf sensor, checking for air leaks, cos if your wrong then you havnt spent anything


New Member
you could also do a fault check on the ecu as well, that might tell you something

take the fuse box cover off down by your right knee, there is a grey connector block down beneath the fuse box, bridge the furthest top right 2 pins out using a paper clip trhen turn the ignition on, and you will see the engine light has gone out, wait a couple of seconds then remove the paper clips, the ecu light will then start flashing 5 short flashes and 5 long flashes means no fault is present, snything else note down and post up here

(you can also do this with the ignition on)


GTIR-LOZ said:
you could also do a fault check on the ecu as well, that might tell you something

take the fuse box cover off down by your right knee, there is a grey connector block down beneath the fuse box, bridge the furthest top right 2 pins out using a paper clip trhen turn the ignition on, and you will see the engine light has gone out, wait a couple of seconds then remove the paper clips, the ecu light will then start flashing 5 short flashes and 5 long flashes means no fault is present, snything else note down and post up here

(you can also do this with the ignition on)
i think i know wot you mean i'l give that a go first befor i start spending on filters and othere stuf

could you post wot the othere flashes mean..

were would i find the mfa


New Member
not too sure what the other flashes mean, the maf is just to the left of the airfilter at the start of the induction pipe


ok so how no here wil know wot the othere flashes mean.

i don't know if you will know him but the's some one on here how's brother works for nissan hi sould have accase to wot the flashes mean

if you dont i'l just post some thing in genral discution.


New Member
just stick em in here mate, there is a list floating about on the forums somewhere ill try to dig it up for you once you have done it, but mine always comes up 5,5 everythime ive done it :?


5/5 check O.K

i don the check i got 5/5 so i gess every thing is ok. but the car is still runing like crap i took the intercooler of to day and look't for any brether pipes that may of come off but they were ok.

so it could only be a

1. Fule/Air mix
2. Crap in the tank
3. Fule filter
4. some thing else :?: any idea or i could be wrong all to gethere :oops:

thanx Jez


Olly said:
Borrow a MAF 8) check the earth
ok i'll check the maf. What earth am i checking. also there is a strong smell of fule out the exhaust.

Fast Guy

Staff member
What about a dodgy o2 sensor if it ain't the maf problem? That can cause overfuelling too. I just can't see why it only does it on low fuel tho. Do you fill her right up and then not touch the tank until you fill her again?


Fast Guy said:
I just can't see why it only does it on low fuel tho. Do you fill her right up and then not touch the tank until you fill her again?
i try not to coz of the prob that i have but some times i cant help but to run it when it's low as there arnt that meny super fule station or shell stations around here :x

i'v been useing redX in the tank, since i'v stop't the car is runing ok when low but she's sill not right. i think i'll put her on the rollers. I think i must of put to much redX in which was make'n it over fule (could that be cousing it or am i just bee'n stupid :roll: ) well wat ever it was it ok now but still runing abit fun when she low and not as bad as befor :?: ..

Thanx for the help you guys/girls if i'm still haveing prob's i'l let you know

Jez :)

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you run out of fuel recently? (I did in an injected car for a while and it ran like shite for a while because of the crap in the tank).
I'm not sure what effect too much redex will have, is it injector cleaner of octane booster?
Putting a car on a rolling road that isn't running right might not be a good idea.
Does it start ok? just wondering if some crap is holding an injector open slightly?


the car starts ok i'v been runing the car on low fule for about 2-3 day know and it has't been acting up.

i was't going to do a full rolling road justy put it on to get a diagnostice (if that's spelt right ) to see if that could tell me wot's wrong with it i think its 30-40 quid + vat.

RedX: well since i'v stopt use'n it, it's been ok i'l try it with some redx and see if i dos it agen and if it hapens agen, i'l stop you'n it.

could i have put to much in or not

the car ticks over ok abit high when cold and back to 1000 rpm when warm it dos't fell like it holding it self back at 3000 rpm no more so the only think i can blam up to know is the REDX

thanx Jez