Fuelin set up/ tuners



Bonjour :D

Me and TONY were chatting yesterday about getting our cars set up. Were both running similar boost with the HKS S-afr. Although he has boost controller and I have a Dawes. He mentioned that although a tuner would happily set a car's boost up, checking the fueling and timing is correct etc, they might be reluctant to play around with the AFR. Mayby some kind of liability thing? Were pretty sure Well Lane wouldn't, although we'd rather travel a little further down the country to more of an R specialist.

Any thoughts / comments :D


New Member
why dont the pair of you go halfer's to pay for steve to accompany you's down to well lane, he done the same with bob's car and set it up perfectly, and it's still going strong now, he know's what he's doing and so do you, so why fork out a s**t load going else where when you've got a perfectly capable and willing person on your doorstep. :D


Should you not be putting V8's in Mini's or sumthing :twisted: :wink:


But yeah, that is probs the plan. But just wanted to get an overview of wot other's experience's are. Bob hasn't got a fuel controller though has he :?:


New Member
he's got the same one as you've just got,

264's fmic and a T28 hybrid running 1.1bar, and a fuel pump, i cant remember the exact figure but it was over 300bhp.

if you speak to baz at well lane, ask him if you can have 2 consecutive hours on the roller's with steve setting it up for you, then get both car's done one after the other, the last time i had a sesh at well lane it was £90 for an hour including a few power runs and a diagnosis.

if its to be a saturday steve only works a half day so he wont be gonna rob you's. :wink:


you've got half the power of who's car ??
I've got half as many cars as well :wink:

so he wont be gonna rob you's
I'll ask him next time I see him. Me wheels are coming next week so I'm gonna put them on and if me pump comes I'm gonna take it down for him to fit.


Ya gonna hav how much power without an intercooler :twisted: :twisted:

Ha Ha Ha ---- Skanked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy, do ya fancy buyin an R34 front mount for £50

Think its had 2 lady owners!!!!!! :lol:



:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha Ha nice one bud. Did U get me text about the Denso's :? :?: