front panel replacement


gtir dazza

hi has anyone had to do this if so where was it done and how much did it cost???? (the panel witch goes from wing to wing and top to bottom, mounts headlights etc....) cheers daz


New Member
It shouldnt be too hard, it depends whether you're replacing it cos you,ve bumped the car? if you have bumped it then there might be a chance that the bumper backing bar is bent, that is bolted to your chassis legs and may have pulled them in, meaning a possible jig job?

But you probably know that so, i think they are bolt on, just go around the edges of the panel and take the bolts out, id stick the bolts through a bit of cardboard and write down where they came from...

I hope it goes ok for you bud


New Member
If you have hit something and are worried about it being bent, it might be worth doing a cross check with a tape measure,
Just take a reading from one of the strut bolts (any 3 of em but use the same one at both sides) To a bolt on the front panel on the same side, and it should be the same, give yourself a tolerance of 3mm.
Do that on both sides obviously. Then from the same strut bolt one one side, measure diagonally to the bolt on the front panel, take the reading and do the opposite strut to front panel. they should be the same, roughly 3mm tol. Thats just a basic way of finding out whether the front end is out or not.

Cant you tell that im bored on the net!! cheers


Active Member
front panels are spot welded on our cars pretty easy job if you are that way inclined or know the right people pretty easy to get done under 500 quid depending where you go.
If it doesnt need anymore than front panel taken off, new one on and paint and fit up.
I had to put a front panel on one of mine (n14) about 5 years ago but did it myself at work.


New Member
God damn! made myself look a tit! id do 2 for £500!! if you can get it to yorkshire il do it for you


Active Member
500 quid was a rough price a high price but there are some places out there that would charge that much you will get it cheaper than that 250 quid area all depends where you go.
Get a insurance assesor out to asses it hell prob put it at 500 quid a right rear quarter is over a thousand pounds :-o by a insurance assesor i know that price because ive had that assesment done when i got crashed into.

Best thing to do is make friends with people who work at bodyshops because we love doing foriegners.