Forum/Club update for all members


New Member
Last sunday 2 polls were posted up in the members section giving numerous options and each member was/is asked to vote on each poll.
The purpose of these polls is to find out what the members want to achieve over the forthcoming year, and comments received so far are positive.

Just to give you an idea of what is in the poll:

:arrow: Name & Spec sheets for Events (A4 sized)
:arrow: Nationwide Track Days, 1/4 mile & Challenge days
:arrow: Complimentary Goodies with membership
:arrow: Welcome pack for new members (Membership card, Club Sticker, Mousemat, Cap and a Email newsletter explaining discounts etc for example)
:arrow: Improved Advertising at events (Business Cards, Fliers, Banners Flags, Marquee)
:arrow: Site Advertising / Sponsorship
:arrow: GTIROC Newsletter (done every 3 months)
:arrow: Specific event planners
:arrow: Admin Updates on Site / Club Development
:arrow: "Ask the Expert" type page (similar to the problem solving section)
:arrow: Magazine/Features writer
:arrow: New Website layout/ someone to keep the server running smoothly (this would be an ongoing role)
:arrow: Allow non members full access to forum but limit there posts per month

Currently leading the poll is the Track, 1/4 mile and challange day, but it would be good to implement all of the above options. The poll is 'active' for another 2-3 weeks, and then after that it will be opened up to the members to see who would like to organise a particular part of the poll, ie look into discounts for track days etc, or sort out better advertising at shows?

I know there have been alot of posts put up recently about where the £20 is going, and now everyone that accesses the forum can see what the clubs intentions are for the year, and who will be arranging that particular event. If you have a skill or maybe want to become actively involved in this club then now would probably be a good time to join up fully, especially as im sure that what is being proposed will appeal to every member in some way (as im sure that a discount of more than £20 could be sorted for just one track day, so anything on top of that becomes one of the many perks that this club WILL acheive this year and for many more years)


Thats more like it lads :)

Ill be sending you my £20 shortly 8)

I can help out with anything computer & website related.

Im pretty good on VB bulletin, If you have any problems setting it up and personalising it feel free to ask. I am able to code in HTML and JavaScript, but im no expert yet.


New Member
if you get your payment in fairly quickly then you will also be eligible to vote in the poll as well, but the main thing is that you are about to become a full member of the club.
Heres hoping that many more follow your lead


New Member
Re: ...

hmmm said:
"Ask the Expert" type page (similar to the problem solving section)
Who are the 'Experts' going to be? :wink:

The experts will be people who have something valuable to offer the forum, whether thats given a highly detailed decription on items such as the power fc or setting up the handling down to the 'smaller' jobs of fitting new gauges, or easy to replace components


Re: ...

The experts will be people who have something valuable to offer the forum, whether thats given a highly detailed decription on items such as the power fc or setting up the handling down to the 'smaller' jobs of fitting new gauges, or easy to replace components
Not being rude but isn't that what happens anyway :lol:.

So will the 'Experts' stop answering posts elsewhere on the forum?

'As the power fc or setting up the handling down to the 'smaller' jobs of fitting new gauges, or easy to replace components' ...............

............... is basically all the different sections (Problem Solving, Maintenance, Tuning) mixed up into one. May make searching and organising a little awkward when it gets loaded with info.

Just a thought :wink:.


New Member
i know that this sort of thing already happens, and at the moment things still need to be decided etc, but im sure that we (the members) will find a suitable way of getting across all the relevant information.
Like i said things are still in the early stages at the minute, but the more suggestions the better :wink:


I think the experts idea is pretty good, at the moment if someone asks a dumb question then they just get ignored or everyone lays into them :roll: ( you know what this place is like ;) )

If there is a dedicated 'expert' for that subject then its their job to answer them nicely and not take the plss too much :D

I can understand lots of people buying new cars though and being overkeen to find stuff out ( even if its been asked a thousand times already ) and not researching first, so I think its a good idea they will have a 'friendly face' to talk to.

God, I'd hate to be the '1 bar' or 'what oil' expert though :lol: :lol: :lol:


the only reason i havent joined yet is the speed of the forum thats my feedback
The forums are being updated, the new one should work a lot faster.

My main concern is that everyone can post, member or not.

If this happens, I will be a happy GTiROC member 8)


New Member
deank93 said:
I'm suprised there hasn't been a little more feedback from current non members on this :?
maybe i should put a post up on the modifiers club to let everyone on there know as well as im as im sure alot of them would be interested in what we want to do 8)


Well-Known Member
boucherie said:
:arrow: Nationwide Track Days, 1/4 mile & Challenge days
:arrow: Specific event planners
:arrow: Admin Updates on Site / Club Development
:arrow: Allow non members full access to forum but limit there posts per month
I reckon these options would be a good idea :wink:


New Member
Just put this post up on the modifiers club and got this response via PM from the top bloke on there

"Fella I have deleted your post... Don't just come on here and post crap like that! Did I come on the OC and post our updates I don't think so its just manners... ... Its all getting a bit sad if you are lowering yourself to that"

The whole purpose of posting on the modifiers club was to update as many GTIR owners as possible as to what they can expect to be involved in over the coming year. It defineatly wasnt a poaching mission, as quite a few people are members on both forums so i cant see what the problem is, afterall if people dont want to read it they wont :!:

Rant over :roll:


Well-Known Member
boucherie said:
"Fella I have deleted your post... Don't just come on here and post crap like that! Did I come on the OC and post our updates I don't think so its just manners... ... Its all getting a bit sad if you are lowering yourself to that"
:shock: Who was that from? Its not exactly crap is it :roll: Just letting people know whats going on 8)

Jack Bauer

And this was my reply to your PM...

Fella don't take me as a mug... ... I've just seen your post on the OC and your pissed that no one is taking an interest, if people want to comment on what the OC is doing then they can see it over there not on here??..

In regards to poaching members, your the one that has bought it up not me!... And the post has nothing to do with the GTIR community it has to do with the gtiroc trying to justify a paid membership and what they are trying to do next... I can't truthfully beleive you have tried the GTIR community line ...

I have just tried personally to build bridges in the background between the the OC mods/Admins and ourselves... THAT you would know nothing about.... So as you so gracefully put "crap yourself mate

And I stand by my reply... If you want me to come on here and show you all the stuff thats in the pipeline for the modifiers club I will :evil: ... BUT I have manners and as we are both clubs and survive on membership (Albeit yours paid) I have kept everything over my side so as not to infringe... If you cannot see sense in what I have said then I feel for you fella I really do...


Jack Bauer has the right to delete a gtiroc post on a gti-r modifiers forum . boucherie has no right to do that, people still use both board so will see whats going on without boucherie having to use the modifiers club board to promote the gtiroc group. It might be too little too late :|

Although i had a big rift here last year as (20legacy) i still pop here every now and then to see whats going on, not that much, but if it means war let the battle commence

we should at least make it a freindly war e.g

gti-r oc v modifiers club

rolling road shout out

1/4 mile, 0-60 racing

track racing

meets etc....